
Is the moral fiber of America stronger, weaker, or unchanged compared to 8 years ago?

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Is the moral fiber of America stronger, weaker, or unchanged compared to 8 years ago?




  1. Now we have same s*x marriage, what do you think!

  2. Gee,  I thought the founding of this country - Freedom for all was a pretty moral idea.

    If the other answer thinks this country was founded immorally, then why are you still living here?

  3. America was founded on immoral fibers, and those fibers are getting dirtier by the day.

  4. I personally believe it is weaker, and will continue that way.  The decline started longer ago than 8 years - it began when prayer was taken out of public schools, Rowe v. Wade, corporate greed, "me, me, me" situation ethics, and on and on.  Those who were raised during that time have no foundation of truth or moral certainty on which to base their characters, and little by little, those things which were once considered reprehensible and abominable are now considered the norm.

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