
Is the most qualified, smartest, better than us all woman in the world scared?

by Guest57083  |  earlier

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Seems to me she is, she can say that to go after Palin is like playing checkers, but to go after McCain is like playing chess all she wants, but I think shes a bit scared of going after the pit bull with lipstick. Check the link, at tell me what you think:;_ylt=Ah4J8UB9LoYRPqJoQiiYa8Os0NUE




  1.   There's a political motive here, but not sure what the angle is. Clinton might be too shrewd to "attack" any woman in such a high Profile position, especially since that person has become an overnight sensation with everybody but especially connecting to the women voters.  The "less" experienced debater ALWAYS has one advantage.........................the opposition can become "too" laid back and take too much for granted and then WHAM......serious mistake.  No fear on Hillary, just motivation to protect herself and her future career.

  2. I think Clinton did the right thing. Palin is not running for president Mcsame Sidney is. Joe biden should go after palin. 4 years you mean 8years obama till '16

  3. Puke.

    A pit bull with lipstick needs to be put down.

  4. No she is not.  This is the right move because Palin is NOT the one running for President.  Why do you think Obama has not focused on her?  Because his opponent is John McCain.  People can say they like Palin all they want, but in the end it comes down to McCain vs. Obama.  The Obama/Biden team does not want to get distracted in the nonsense about Sarah Palin!

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