
Is the movie " City of Men" real story? Are there so many crimes and poverty in Rio and Brazil? I was shocked?

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Is the movie " City of Men" real story? Are there so many crimes and poverty in Rio and Brazil? I was shocked?




  1. The reality in Rio de Janeiro's even worse than the movie.

    In Sao Paulo, too.

  2. City of Men isn't a real history. But it shows the reality of Brazil.

    Not all the cities of Brazil is like Rio de Janeiro. There are calm cities too.

    The movie shows the life in Rio de Janeiro. The crime in Brazil and mainly in Rio is a critical cause. I believe this is the wrost problem of Rio.

    But the poverty is present in all places of Brazil. The richest people get with almost all money, meanwhile the poorest people get with the rest.

    I'm Brazilian and unfortunately I have to say this. But this is the reality.

  3. Yes and yes (unfortunately)

  4. Hello I am Brazilian and I am learning English now and I will try to answer your question (sorry for not speaking English very well) I live in Rio de Janeiro and Yes and that unfortunately one of the realities of Rio de Janeiro and although this fact so in some places of Rio de Janeiro, there are more beautiful places in Rio de Janeiro, where he has not so much violence, thankfully the Rio de Janeiro this getting better =) and maybe we can host the Olipiadas of 2016

    If you want to add me to MSN Or

    Bye  kiss

  5. Brazil is a world leader in economic indifference. The division of wealth here is so appalling that you wonder why no one ever seems to talk about it. The glitzy shipping malls in Rio de Janeiro are full of rich kids trying on the Emperor’s new clothes whilst the poor are dodging bullets in the favelas and praying to Maria for a way out.

    Brazil is a world leader in economic indifference. The division of wealth here is so appalling that you wonder why no one ever seems to talk about it. The glitzy shipping malls in Rio de Janeiro are full of rich kids trying on the Emperor’s new clothes whilst the poor are dodging bullets in the favelas and praying to Maria for a way out.

    The poverty in Brazil is too obvious to ignore but it seems that most only ever see it as it affects their own lives. A rich girl in a chic Irish bar told me that I only found the favelas interesting because I was a foreigner. I snapped back that she only thought that because most well-off Brazilians had no idea what life was like in the slums.

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