My good friend is having another little boy next month and has decided on the name Cannon Travis. The name flows well with her other boys Conner Bryce and Caine Aleczander and her daughter Cailynn Skye ,but I am kind of worried about the name Cannon being a little hard for him to live up to. She values my opinion because her daughter is my God daughter and Cannon will be my God son (the twins have seperate God parents because I didnt know her when they were born), but I do not want to hurt her feelings because they really searched for the perfect name. I like it, but I want him to be able to function as an adult with that name as well.
How does it sound to you all? Would it be wrong to give another suggestion even though she is saying it is okay to do so, because I know that she really loves this name? What name could I suggest that wouldn't disrupt the Family of C's? I can only think of Colton. They like the names to have C's and N's. Her name is Christine and her husband is Christian. It's like a little tradition for them.
Any suggestion would help.