
Is the name Edgel Weird?

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My Brother,Dad and Great Uncle share this name...what country of origin did it originate and where can i find info about it? doctors always ask my dad "So What Country Are you From?" and thats weird cuz hes a white person from Ky LOL...IS this a Cool Name?




  1. Rare, maybe. Not weird. Weird is wearing plaid pants with a striped shirt, eating dill pickles dipped in chocolate or assuming your denomination, which does not allow instrumental music in church but does allow baptism in still waters (like a baptismal font or a stock watering tank, if the baptisee is a cowboy) has a lock on truth and is the One True Way.

    Here are 12 Edgels from the LDS 1880:

    1. Edgel WYAUT - 1880 United States Census / Virginia

    Son   Gender: Male   Birth: <1872> VA

    2. Edgel B. SWARTZ - 1880 United States Census / Indiana

    Son   Gender: Male   Birth: <1876> IN

    3. Edgle H. GILBERT - 1880 United States Census / Nebraska

    Son   Gender: Male   Birth: <1866> NE

    4. Edgel HARRIS - 1880 United States Census / South Carolina

    Son   Gender: Male   Birth: <1860> SC

    5. Edgel M. HERRIOTT - 1880 United States Census / Colorado

    Other   Gender: Male   Birth: <1853> IN

    6. Edgel HERRIOTT - 1880 United States Census / Indiana

    Son   Gender: Male   Birth: <1877> IN

    7. Edgil A. DAVIS - 1880 United States Census / Texas

    Son   Gender: Male   Birth: <1880> TX

    8. Edgell BENEDICT - 1880 United States Census / Ohio

    Son   Gender: Male   Birth: <1861> OH

    9. Edgal S. GRISSOM - 1880 United States Census / Alabama

    Son   Gender: Male   Birth: <1878> AL

    10. Edgel GUFFY - 1880 United States Census / Alabama

    Other   Gender: Male   Birth: <1832> KY

    11. Edgel A. DEEN - 1880 United States Census / Indiana

    Son   Gender: Male   Birth: <1860> IN

    12. Edgel FINNEY - 1880 United States Census / Illinois

    Son   Gender: Male   Birth: <1861> IL

    If I was your dad and someone asked me where I was from, I would say "Basque" or "Huguenot", as my whimsy dictated at the time.

    "Cool" varies. If the captains of the football, basketball and baseball teams, the homecoming queen, all the class officers and all the cheerleaders of a given high school appeared one day with their hair in spiked mohawks, the spikes dyed blue and yellow, within a week the entire school would look like macaws. If the tallest, skinniest and smartest kid in school appeared that way one day, alone, he's be lucky to finish the day without being torn limb from limb by the screaming baboons in the vocational arts track.

  2. yeah. it's a cool name. i like it =]

  3. Weird? Yes.  But beautifully weird!!  So many new "stylish" names sound so sick to me as each parent tries to outdo  the other in giving their kid "the latest, greatest" moniker, when, in my not-so-humble opinion, it's the "classic" ones, from generations ago, that have the most beauty.  I would LOVE to know the history behind the name "Edgel", and I do hope you take the time to research it.  My grandfather's middle name was "Church", and, sad to say, I never researched its history.  I think the old Ford name "Edsel" is fantastic, even though the car got a "bum rap" in marketing.  My doctor's first name is "Rucker", but he goes by his middle name which is more "modern".  How sad that the classics continue to be dropped for what is supposedly "new and improved".  I do so pray that if you ever have children, a son in particular, you'll be sure to give him the name "Edgel".  Make it his FIRST name.  He may not like it at first, and maybe many  kids will rib him for it and he'll have to "struggle" with it for a good portion of his life, but when he researches the history of his name, he'll be so proud of the classic beauty of it that he'll always hold his head up  high.  God Bless you.


    Maybe it's a cross between "Edge" and "Edsel"

    The meaning of the name Edge is "Border, End Of A Surface"  (American origin)

    The meaning of the name Edsel is "Noble One"

    The origin of the name Edsel is German


    There are 1 or fewer people in the U.S. named Edgel .


    There are fewer than 1,523 people in the U.S. with the first name Edgel, and/or Edge.

    There are fewer than 1,523 people in the U.S. with the first

    name Edsel.


    In Germanic mythology this name is a variant of Etzel. In modern times its most famous bearer was Edsel Ford, son of Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Corporation (a car was named after him, but its popularity didn't last long.). The family was partly of Dutch or Flemish descent, but the reason for the choice of given name is not known.


    German: medieval name apparently derived from the element adal noble, or else from the nickname Atta “father”. Variant: Edsel.   (has pictures of the models)

    The Edsel was introduced amidst considerable publicity on "E Day"—September 4, 1957. It was to be sold through a new Ford division. It existed from November 1956 until January 1958, after which Edsels were made by the Mercury-Edsel-Lincoln division (referred to as M-E-L). For months beforehand, Ford had been circulating rumours that led consumers to expect an entirely new kind of car when in reality the Edsel shared its bodywork with other Ford models.

    For the 1958 model year, Edsel produced four models:

    1. larger, Mercury-based Citation-- two-door and four-door hardtops and two-door convertible versions

    2. Corsair came in two-door and four-door hardtop versions

    3. The Pacer came in two-door and four-door hardtops, four-door sedan, and two-door convertible.

    4.  The Ranger came in two-door and four-door hardtop or sedan versions.

       Ford announced the end of the Edsel program on Thursday, November 19, 1959, after losing the company $350 million, and being considered the most spectacular failures in the history of the U.S. automobile industry.

    PS--To Railrider: Your grandfather's middle name means this, according to www.ancestry,com:

    Church Name Meaning and History

    English: topographic surname for someone who lived near a church. The word comes from Old English "cyrice", ultimately from medieval Greek "kyrikon", for earlier "kyriakon" (doma) ‘(house) of the Lord’, from "kyrios" for‘"lord"’.

    Translation of German Kirch, which is  from Middle High German "kirche" ‘"church"’, hence a topographic name for someone living by a church or a occupational nickname from someone employed by the church.     =)

  5. Often the surname of a relative was used as a first name, you may find that Edgel was the maiden name of one of your grandmothers.

    Surname: Edgell

    Recorded in many spellings including Edd, Edds, possibly Edge, the diminutives Edgell, Egdell, Egdal, Edgkin, and the patronymics Edgeson, Edgson, Edgekins, and possibly Edegkinson, this is an English surname. It is medieval but of pre 7th century origins. It derives from the early word for a sword ecg, to which was sometimes added a suffix such as wolf. Quite why anybody should be called "Sword-wolf" is a mystery from fifteen hundred years ago, but it was a popular baptismal name and as Ecg or later Edd or Edg, remained so until the Norman Invasion of 1066. Thereafter English or Saxon names became "politically incorrect", although some did survive, often in a changed spelling. Early recordings include John Edde of Oxford in 1273, William Eggel of Essex in 1278, and William Edesonne of Stafford in 1314. Later examples taken from surviving church registers include John Edgeson who married Mary Needler at St Dionis Backchurch in the city of London on April 16th 1640

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