
Is the name LYNN a short form of Caroline/Carolyn?

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Is the name LYNN a short form of Caroline/Carolyn?




  1. It is a name in its own right.  But suppose it could be a nick name

  2. Nickname for Carolyn, yes. SHORT FORM, no.

  3. Not really know.

    Lynn can just be a name on it's own or short of







    However, it could probably be used for Carolyn too.

    Hope this helps


  4. yes In some cases it may be thought of as a short form of LINDA or names which end in lyn or line.


    Gender: Feminine & Masculine

    Usage: English

    Pronounced: LIN   [key]

    From an English surname which was derived from Welsh llyn "lake". Before the start of the 20th century it was primarily used for boys, but it has since come to be more common for girls. In some cases it may be thought of as a short form of LINDA or names which end in lyn or line.

  5. I don't think it is....but it could be. There are lots of names that end in LYNN if you are asking because you like that name. You can come up with a shorter/nickname for your kid even though if it is not what most people precieve as a nickname. Like... Catherine doesn't have to be Cathy it could be Cat or Rine. Everyone is different.

  6. It could be if you want it to.  

  7. It can be, or it can be used on it's own, but I prefer it as a nickname, as it has very few nicknames itself.

    It could be short for anything like Carolyn, Evelyn, Madeline, or Lindsay or Lynette, and can be spelt Lin(n) or Lyn

    Hope it helps!

  8. Sure it can be! Its in the name, i dont see why not!  

  9. my name is Carolyn and no one has ever called me Lynn. But they do call me Carol

  10. no

  11. No.

    It could be a nickname for Caroline, of course.  Or Adeline or Madeline or Linda or Belinda.

    But Lynn most likely comes from a surname related to the Welsh "llyn" or lake.

  12. Lynn is a name in itself, and can also be used as a nickname for a variety of other names, such as:

    Gwendalyn (my daughter's name)







    , and of course a lot of others.

  13. NO! Lynn is a complete separate name.  

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