
Is the name of christ really Jesus or Jerarus?

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jerarus is simply my combination of Jesus,Ra and Horus.

i've compared the story of jesus and horus.the similarities are very striking but i can't figure out if horus/jesus is Ra or Ra is baal? i've noticed the illuminating light that's always behind jesus in his picture. talking about his picture,what mystery lies behind the shroud of turin?

secondly,i've heard of an ancient tradition way back before the romans that worship their god exactly like the muslim does. who are these people and what do they worship?

is it also true that islam was founded or established by the catholic?

what about enki (the lord of the annunaki) whose name was originally EA. does it have anything to do with the name of our planet as in EArth and what about the EA sports?

please give answers with details.




  1. No, Jesus name in Hebrew is Yeshua..meaning "Yah is salvation"

    Yes, under belief of Jesus and the God of Abraham, RA would be Baal.

    I have no opinion either way about the shroud of turin.

    Couldn't tell you either about Romans worshipping like muslims.

    No, Islam was founded by Mohammed, the Catholics come into play by the fact that Mohammed's first wife was a Catholic and convinced Mohammed that the spirit he spoke to in the cave must have been the angel Gabriel. Even though Mohammed called this spirit a familiar spirit which is addressed in the Bible as not being from God.

    I can't help you with your last question, perhaps another here has the info you need.

  2. His Scriptural name is Yeshua, Isa, Latinized to Iesus from Greek, Jesus...Christ is greek christos, arabic masih, means anointed

    When you're getting into the paintings and the light behind his head, etc. Ra/Ba'al, you're getting into traditions of past pagans that have been put over the religioin Jesus taught. That has more to do with their religion than his.

    The shroud has no more significance than all the blood-crying statues of his mother...

    Prostrating in prayer is an old tradition, to the beginning of worship...lots of folks do that, including the early Israelites and Christians.

    No, Islam just means worship of the One God, same as the Israelites and Christians used to do. Only some of the form and rules have changed.

    And the alien stuff...sorry, you're on your own....

    Pardon me...Left out a step in the Jesus thing...seemed to bother some. fixed now

  3. Jesus

  4. (Je′sus) [Lat. form of the Gr. I-e-sous′, which corresponds to the Heb. Ye-shu′a‛ or Yehoh-shu′a‛ and means “Jehovah Is Salvation”].

  5. At the name of "Jesus" every knee shall bow. Philippians 2:10

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