
Is the name really THAT bad?

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I am 35 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child, which is a boy. My daughter's name is Nevaeh and the name I have picked out for this on is Jayven (pronounced as its spelt). Everytime I mention it to someone, they kinda look at me funny and say "well, what about THIS name".....or "How bout this name, it sounds simular" It doesnt matter to me, Im still going to name my son Jayven, I just want to know if the name is really THAT bad.




  1. It wouldn't be my first choice...but it's not my kid and I won't have to live it whatever.

    Good luck

  2. it is a cute name. but i would say its a a little out there... but i do like the name but if you do want another suggestion for a "similar" name it would be jayden. but you know thats kind of a girls name.. i dont know.. but its still a cute name if you like you shouldnt care what others think just like you said.

  3. Theres nothing wrong with it, just ignore ppl ther will always be someone who doesnt like a name u like

  4. No, I really like it, but I love unusual names. If you love it just stick with it. Everyone did that to me about my daughters name and once she was born they stopped.

  5. nevaeh is the stupidest name. what the h**l is that about? why do you have to name your kid an anagram of heaven? also, isn't it's symbolism a bit questionable? heaven backwards: h**l?

    jayven's a stupid name too; if that were my name i'd change it. but it's not as bad as nevaeh.

  6. I know a little boy with that name. It is spelled Javin though. It isn't a bad name at all.

  7. I am not a fan of that name, but who cares?

    You can't please everyone, if you and your hubby like it, that's all that matters.


  8. I have to be honest here. I don't care for the name and all I can see is a million ways it can be made fun of, said wrong, spelled wrong, etc. Personally, I'd pick one of two great alternatives - Jayson or Gavin.

  9. it sounds different,but not in a good way...i'm sorry if that makes u sad ...basiacally its my opinion....good luck though:))

  10. Well, it's an attempt....

    I'm just wondering what Nevyaj means, since you used the backwards heaven thing....

  11. Welp, your first mistake was to telling anyone what you will name your child. We didn't tell anyone, we wanted no one's opinion, and if we told, we'd get a million.  Anyway, I personally don't like it, I don't like this trend of being original and unique, it makes it so unoriginal and unique (like all of the Nevaehs and Aidens and whatnot). Just pick a name you like and stick with it, don't make it too difficult to spell, they have to live with it, but you are the mommy, you get to decide!  Good luck!

  12. Yes, it is THAT bad.

  13. Tbh I am not sure, But if you like it, then go for it =)

    Congrats & Good Luck =D

  14. Yes, Jayven is as stoopid as Heaven spelled backwards. They are just trashy - you don't expect your kids to have good careers do you?

  15. it's different.

    but not necessarily bad.

    it's up to you don't be swayed by others!

  16. Sounds like a failed attempt to be creative. Sorry.

  17. My son's got a permanent nickname no one likes and they refuse to call him by it. It's on the birth certificate. Don't worry about what other people think. It's all up to the parents. No one else's opinion matters. Personally, the name is perfectly fine for me. My son may get picked on later but that's HIS name and no one else in the world has it. Name your son whatever you wish, people who pick on others have no life themselves.

  18. I am not a fan of either names.

    With that said, they are YOUR kids, name them whatever you want. Who cares what other people think?

  19. I don't think it sounds bad, it's nice. I like it

  20. congrats but different name

  21. i REALLY like that name, i might steal it...sorry i was due 4 days ago and we havent picked one yet!

  22. No its not that bad its just a bit different, people will get used to it, Its your baby so if you like it then go for it.


  23. No its not bad i think it is unique... but i have a suggestion if you are planning on having anymore babies; try this don't tell anyone till the baby is born so that nobody can tell you mean things about the name... my aunt and uncle did that and the baby's name is pretty and they didn't have to hear any ones lip...but again i don't think that is a bad name... good luck with baby # 2 and the one you already have...

  24. nope, I like it. its unique, go with what u want. congrats!

  25. No I actually really like it!!! congratulations!!!

  26. Gees people are mean. Some of them took this question waaaay too seriously. I don't think either of the names are stupid. It's what you like, what you chose, so be it! There are  always going to be random people who have something to say about it, and hopefully it won't sound as rude as some of these answers. I think it's unique. It's better than Bob, or Dan, or something typical like that. Naming your child is a huge deal, so congrats on the name! It's definitely nice.

  27. it HONESTLY looks like you are trying to make another attempt at sounding similiar to Nevaeh... how it is Heaven only backwards if you were to put Jayven backwards it is NevYaj ALMOST Neveah...... not too cute but whatever it is your baby NOT MINE.....

  28. Another reason to keep the name to yourself, then name the kid and no one can say anything to you.

    You could say you want to name him 'Robert' and someone would object. Be proud in your name choice. Really though, its YOUR kid, and YOU have to say his name the rest of your life......

    People RARELY say negative things to your face once the kid is born and is called that name.

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