
Is the national guard right for me?

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Hey all. I am interested in making myself a better person and a stronger individual, mentally and physically. I want to make a positive difference in the world.

However, I am a complete wuss. I'm not brave in the slightest. Will this change if I sign up? I'm a very peaceful person by nature. Do I have to be violent to fit in and be able to bear it? I'm having doubts if I can handle it or not.

Thanks for the advice.




  1. No you do not have to be violent however you do have to have the capacity to be violent in a sense not worded correctly but i hope you know what i mean. Generally to make it in the military you have to have a type A personality to be successful as in you like to take charge and are a pro-active type person not afraid to act when the situation warrants it.

  2. Don't do it.    my friend did it and hated it.  Plus they can send you to Iraq in 120 degree temps.

  3. The Military will make you stronger physically and mentally yes. But I can gurantee you that if you join you will get deployed eventually and have to face danger. Even if you are not in a combat MOS you will still be exposed to war, cause those fuc**** launch morters at you even when your "inside the wire". Not trying to talk you out of it at all but it takes alot of dedication and confidence to succeed in the army and once you sign on the dotted line your in. If you wanna go to college or decide not to join dont feel guilty because there is people who have fought and died before you to give you that right.  

  4. Despite what people that live in caves think, we don't tear open animals and chew through their bones with our teeth.

    You can be a wuss and still be in the National Guard.

    If a 5' tall, 110 lb female with acrylic nails can soldier can you. (or in my case, 6 ft 200)

    Basic training is tough, but you'll get through it.

    You kinda have to fake your way through it.

    Anybody out there remember the old "One Shot One Kill!!!!!!!!!!!!!" bit?

    I'd suggest the Guard for you. Yeah, don't do active.

    I consider myself a little peaceful, too. That didn't stop me from cleaning out connexes in 102 degree heat out at Ft Hood.

    Good luck!

  5. If you have any doubts, then don't do it.  It's not worth being stuck in a 4 or 6 year contract(or whatever it is now), and being miserable.  Especially now a days with everything going on, and the Guard going out everywhere.  You can pretty much count on being sent somewhere, and it ain't pretty.  You don't have to be violent, but you don't want to be a wuss lol.  Everyone should be scared, there's nothing wrong with that, it's just how you handle it that matters.

  6. Look at the Peace Corp.

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