
Is the new electronic banking monoploy better than the old monopoly game??

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Is the new electronic banking monoploy better than the old monopoly game??




  1. yes

  2. I believe if you have children you should get the old version, you gave to actually do math, it's not electronically. What are we teaching children today, debit card usage? Other people doing your calculations? and you trust the monopoly.. many wont check if the math is right.. I would recommend the older version.

  3. Does it not frighten you that Monopoly the game that as been around for a hundred years nearly lol that they are going to "paperless" banking.

    BE  AFRAID I'm telling ya's lol they are working their way up to a paperless money society and what better place to start than with the games our kids play

    There you have it's paranoid answer lolol

  4. its way easier to keep track of ur money with the electronic version. and u dont really have to deal with all that math. lol.

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