
Is the new simpsons ride a roller coaster??

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Is the new simpsons ride a roller coaster??




  1. yes

  2. Nope, it's one of those ones where you get inside a box thing, watch the screen as the box thing moves around.

    It took over the same place as the "Back to the future" ride, so if you've been on that the structure is similar, just the video and some mechanics have changed.

  3. No really. Part of it takes place on a roller coaster. If you ever rode on Back to the Future its the same set-up. Or if you've been on Spiderman kinda like that. I loved it! But the line is so long. lol

  4. Hey...

    Well some people say yes, but no its not an actual roller coaster. It is a simulator. Basically you are in a room with a bit screen in front of you.

    Imagine a cinema. Now imagine you are watching a film and the seats move according to what is happening on the screen.

    Thats what it is, you see a rollercoaster track on the screen and the seats move so you feel like your on it. Of course its no match for a real coaster but its great fun!

    Hope i helped


  5. Its Actually Just like the spiderman ride !  

  6. I think it is a simulator, like the ones you get at bowling alleys?


    But MUCH better, it looks good!


  7. No.

    It's a simulator. Just like the Spiderman ride.

    You sit down and you look at a giant screen. the car like thingy moves around. It's kinda like back to the future.

    It's fun I went on it.

    It also has effects and all that.

    AWESOME ride.

    It's funny too.

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