
Is the new spellchecker a joke?

by  |  earlier

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The new spell checker seems like a joke - I wrote the word 'would' and it wanted me to change it to Wu - I wrote Godzilla capital G and it wants me to change it to goodwill. It goes nuts when it hasn't an alternative I want and I change my own spelling mistake and starts making all sorts of improper suggestions. has it an ego problem?




  1. its barking mad, and i am annoyed that English words still come up with bloody American spellings.  

  2. It doesn't bother me too much.  When pops up and suggests I have make a mistake I check to make sure and alter the word I have mis-spelt.  It didn't suggest I had make a mistake with the word "would" nor with the word "Godzilla".  Rather odd, have you added the word "Godzilla" to the dictionary?  

  3. It keeps correcting certain English words; obviously set up for American spelling!

    Just ignore it and yes, it is a joke - the spell checker, not my answer...

  4. Not if you can spell properly.

  5. It was annoying me so I shut it off (it doesn't recognize most last names, and I offer a lot of book recommendations, so it kept nagging me). After I shut it down all was peaceful until it suddenly took it into its head to pop back up with the incisive comment " Hmm, it looks like you have a lot of punctuation". Since when is that a crime? I like punctuation. Punctuation is my friend. Last I heard punctuation is still recommended.

    I really hate the silly thing. Spelling is one of my few innate skills and I resent having some idiotic pencil tell me otherwise. Especially when it's wrong.

    Thanks for asking.

  6. I just ignore it.  ^_^

    I have my computer set to spell check what I type on the internet anyway.  I'm not sure how I got it that way though... >.<;  I'm not great with computers.

    It tells me I have a lot of punctuation whenever I use emoticons. lol.  

  7. I've had several instances when it's thrown up words like "the" and "one" and even "is" as being mistakes, and as for this punctuation rubbish - if we can't use a row of dots to indicate an open ended sentence or question and can't use exclamation marks  to express surprise.... then there's the CAPS LOCK problem - how ELSE can we emphasize something - there are no facilities for underlining or italicising so how else are we supposed to do it? No sorry Yahoo, this latest syetm is rubbish. As an English person I'm quite capable of producing perfectly correct questions and answers without the dubious help from an Americanised computer trying to help me USE MY OWN LANGUAGE, and if I DO need help, I know ehere to look for it - I don't want it popping-up on me annoyingly and unnecessarilly all the time.

    The biggest surprise of all now is that although I've purposely used ALL of their alleged errors except a mis-spelling, NOTHING has popped up.

    Have they got the message I wonder ! ! !

    Of course, there's always the other problem: How did this question get into Arts & Humanities...........

  8. It doesn't seem to correct "typos" see the last answer. So how do we get rid of it. ?

    I like a lot of punctuation too !!!!!

  9. Hurrah! A new party game. Some clever soul will surely find a way to use this to lulzie advantage.

    Toodles. x

  10. What spellchecker?  On the first question I answered this morning, I noticed I had made 3 spelling mistakes. no sign of spellchecker and dodgy suggestions! Now it keeps coming up and disappearing as I'm writing this.  So what's going on this morning?

  11. i just ignore it to be honest and trust my own spelling ability

  12. it's very funny I put something in capitals and it told me it would come across as SHOUTING there I've done it again!!!

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