
Is the new twilight series book "Breaking Dawn" any good?

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i dont want to know any details on wat happens in the book...... ive already read the other three books 3 times and never read the newest one...... in ur opinion is it good, ok, bad, awesome, etc? thanks for answering!




  1. Me and all my friends really liked it.  Most of still like Eclipse best but this one is good.  

  2. It's pretty good, as well as shocking/different, and I loved to watch the character growth. Overall, I felt a definite feeling of resolution at the end.

    It's not my favorite, though, some people liked the new writing style that seems to blow through in the middle, but it was just too different for me to really appreciate it.

  3. HECK YES!!!!But read the other books first

  4. brilliant

  5. Read it. And finish out the series. It's not as good as Eclipse, but a great way to finish of the saga

  6. Breaking Dawn is an amazing book in my opinion. However, a lot of people don't like it because a lot happens in the book that they thought couldn't or wouldn't happen and they sort of feel betrayed by Stephenie Meyer.

    There's a lot of controversy going on right now with this book and there are people who love it, people who hate it, and people who don't really care much either way.

    I personally loved it from the start and I couldn't put it down. I finished it in a day. I think it's really worth reading. =)

  7. I think it was a little dissapointing compared to what I thought it would be. Not very exciting, unexpected things, twists...

    I do like the plot for it, how it ended was okay, and the chapter in J's point of view was totally cool, he's a cool character. I'd say okay. Just okay. Stephanie Myer said that a lot of readers were dissapointed on the interview with The MuggleCasters (a Harry Potter Podcast who also does a Twilight one).

  8. its the worst book i have ever read.

  9. I have read it and I thought it was great! Very unexpected things happened.

  10. well its different for every person.... I myself- im still reading it- really like it, it has its places were I just want to strangle Stephenie Meyer :D

    But other than that is still going really great. Oh and it also depends on how you like it by the team your on,

    1. Team ♥Edward♥

    2. Team Jacob

    3. Team Switzerland

    If your team Switzerland than youll love it, if you Team Edward than its pretty great, and same with team Jacob!!

  11. i think its SPECTACULAR!! AND I HATE HATERS lol but read it, so u can see if u will like it or not. its like 50/50 right now lol. i thought it was GREAT everything iwanted to happen happened =D u will never guess what happens!!!!!!!!!! and dont read spoilers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. it was amazing :-)

  13. It was alright.

    Kinda rambled at times, though.

  14. terrible. worst book ever.

  15. Its a really really good  book.

    You should finish the series and read it.

  16. It is good.  Read more about it on Wikipedia.  It is a good book.  

  17. Well if you liked the first three enough to read it 3 times then you will like the third.

  18. i thought it was awesome. i loved every second of it. i would deffenetly reccomed reading it. it was a really good book, i still like eclipse the best but breaking dawn was really good. i would read it if i was you.

  19. i think it was the best of the saga. but my friend thinks not. it is worth reading if you want to know what happens to Bella, Edward, jacob, Charlie, etc. my name is a hint!

  20. its crazy and unexpected

  21. i have tell you something the fact you don't know weather or not to read it is one of the dumbest things you'll ever do that book is the best book in the series i love it and when i was reading it i almost couldn't stop reading it! SO READ IT!!!

  22. It takes a while to like.

    I am a HUGE fan o fthe series, and I could barely make it through the thing. Let's just say there are a LOT of surprises...

    But once you actually take the time to think it out, you'll very slowly begin to appreciate it.

  23. It's okay it's not as good as the others but it was a satisfying ending to the series, though.  

  24. its good, but it could of been better. The best one i think out of the serious is eclipse

  25. i havent read it yet, but some people said it was the best book of the series and others hated it. i personally think it will be good cause of some thing..(im not ruining it for you!)

  26. It was pretty good, it could have been a little better.

  27. YES!!

  28. yes its awesome i loved it it was so cool i got to go to a party at barnes and noble it was awesome

  29. yeah, my sisters reading it, i thinks its pretty good, i read the back and it seems alright, i heard it was a bestseller? i dont know, i would recommend, but i dont read alot, so that book seems a little too long for me,


  31. it is incredible! Stephanie Meyer has really out done herself. Maybe Eclipse is more exciting but this one has a lot of unexpected twists

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