
Is the new york times newspaper any good?

by Guest32903  |  earlier

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thinking about getting the NY Times? should i?




  1. Buy it and see what you think for yourself. Everyones different.

  2. It's the best of the best. People order it to be delivered all across the country. If you don't live in the NYC area, they just don't include all the shopping ads and coupons. I live in the Boston area and pick it up at a local convenience store about three times a week. My dad lives in Florida and pays to have it delivered.

    In terms of liberal vs conservative, I'm a bit toward the liberal side of things and my dad is fairly conservative, so my guess is it appeals to a wide segment of the population.

    You can buy a trial subscription and have it delivered (it comes in the mail) if you can't buy it locally.

  3. It's good for slander, liable, gossip, lying and etc.  IT IS NOT  A NEWSPAPER.  It has no real NEWS.

  4. Yes. Its an excellent paper.

  5. yes

  6. It has to be the least credible of papers - they have been snagged many times for not checking sources and incorrect reporting.

  7. You would be much better off getting the 'Wall Street Journal'.  Sadly, the NY Times is losing lots of customers due to its far left leaning liberal attitudes.  Sad to see the demise of such a newspaper, but they dun brought it on themselves.

  8. I have never read it...

  9. If you are a liberal, left-wingest you will like the paper.  Expect more commentating than reporting.

  10. Why not just go to  You get the same propaganda and it's free.

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