
Is the newest search engine "Cuil," "Cuill," or both?

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A search for the new search engine spelled either with one "L" or two takes you to two different sites but both referring to the same company.

What's the reason for the two different spellings?




  1. It is very common to register a number of domain names and point them to the one that has the actual web content. This ensures that people will find you when typing misspellings into a browser as well as when searching for another variation of the domain, such as .org or .net. Many companies concerned with branding will do their best to make sure that they register every variation of their company name, including misspellings and domain extensions.

  2. interesting I did not know that until you brought it to my attention.  but that's how most sites work despite our spelling it still, usually, takes us to the site we're seeking.


    The one with cuill is most likely someone that is going to try to profit on people typing it in wrong and visiting their site instead.

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