
Is the newly born baby got the legal rigth to exist?

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The killing of the girls babies in India is at large scale. They want only baby boys and not girls because of dowrysystem.




  1. It was made illegal in India to dispose of new born baby girls apprx 5 years ago.  However the practice of throwing baby girls onto lit funeral pyres still persists.

    Every child has the right to life.

  2. thats sick. every baby has a right to live. a dowry is a dated practice that needs to stop.

  3. All babies have a legal right to live, be loved, nurtured, protected, fed, clothed, given a bed to sleep in and be educated. Killing a baby is murder just as killing an adult is. What kind of sick question is this? In civilised countries if parents are unable to care for their children they are fostered or adopted.

  4. There is no law that can preside over the birth of a child.  No law can supersede nature.  If a law could be passed that said a woman can not get pregnant, it is stupid. There is no country that can do that.  However some people constantly argue this and use it as a wedge issue to rally simple minded people to their side.  No law can ever be passed that can control the right to existence. Any one who claims it is arrogant and dangerous.

  5. Oh my god, that's awful.  Of course they do.

  6. be less coming to england then

  7. Well this is all about Money and Religion, when you consider they are the worlds biggest cause of war you do the math.

  8. Its called an honor killing, and i was under the impression it was of ADULT women, whose husbands didnt find valuable the assets they bring to marriage.  Family loyalty is HUGE in India, and if your husband/family things you were disloyal in any way, they kill you and get away with it, because its their beliefs.  Wrong?  h**l yes.  But it happens.  

  9. Are you stupid do you have a legal right to exits.

  10. ....Grammar nightmare!

    **DO newly born babies HAVE the legal RIGHT to exist?** has a spell checker, use it.

    and YES every baby that has been born has human rights.

  11. the unborn foetus is viable from 16 weeks........ would u like to have been deleted from this world? no1 wants that for their children, they are forced in2 it because of people still living in the caveman era! they refuse to change with the rest of the planet?  

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