
Is the news about the presence of meteor shower later here in the philippines is true?

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Is the news about the presence of meteor shower later here in the philippines is true?




  1. No, unless they are talking about way later.  The Perseid meteor shower peaked back on the 12th, and is now down to just a few meteors per hour, so that show is pretty much over.  The next significant showers would be the Leonids, in November.

  2. Keep looking up. Meteor streaks happen every day and night. There are times when we can see more than normal like when the earth's orbit crosses the path where a comet once passed. Those times are called Meteor Showers.

    This is the calendar site for the meteor showers for 2008 from the International Meteor Organization. Everything you ever wanted to know about meteor showers is on this site. When 2009 gets here, change the date on this link and you will have the new 2009 listing too. This way you wont miss any meteor showers ever again. Enjoy

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