
Is the news media running your world?

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Classic example: CNN has done nothing but harp on about the possibility of a new Cold War with Russia - granted Bush and Condoleeza Rice don't help when they make ridiculous 'one line' self-righteous declarations for aggressive action against Russia (Why Russia's actions are any different from America in Iraq I don't know). Meanwhile, Georgia started the conflict. Russia prevented a carnage of ethnic cleansing in the two towns vying for Independence. CNN won't even cover the Russian response. It's no wonder everyone else in the world hates America. But it's not your fault - unless you voted for Bush. Noam Chomsky puts it well - "For George Bush the younger, PR specialists and speech writers have constructed the image of a simple man with a direct line to heaven, who relies on his "gut instincts" as he strides forward to "rid the world of evildoers" while contemplating his "visions" and "dreams", a caricature of ancient epics and children's tales, with an admixture of cowboy fiction." Indeed.




  1. America is getting like Hitler's Germany and communist Russia when it comes to the "News" , because the audience is only allowed to hear what the commercial agenda's position is.  And that means the liberal view.

  2. It's not much better in the UK.

    There was a time that the BBC, tried to pretend they were independent, but since the Government, in effect, fired the Director, for allowing a reporter to tell the truth about the Iraq war, they have become more and more a shameless mouthpiece for Government (on instruction from the US) propaganda.

    We are also being warned that the Russians are trying to force a cold war.

    Most news characterises the recent Georgia events as simply Russians invading a small powerless country, with no explanation of the background.

    I like the Chomsky quote, it sums it up pretty well.

  3. You have pointed out that "the world hates America."  There are some who hate America but your broad-brush approach is simplistic.  Here is a truth to assimilate:  not everyone outside of America hates America.  Let's take a moment to let that sink in.  Of course, if you spend your day on the liberal blogs whose agenda it is to make America into the bad guys, then I understand why you feel that way.  Another thing to consider is this:  of those who do "hate America," most feel this way because they are tired of American dominance and influence around the world.  Now here is something else to contemplate:  whenever a superpower moves off the scene of world affairs, like the USSR did in the 1980's, a power-vacuum is created.  Some country with an ideology is going to be sucked into that vacuum and fill it.  So let's look at the possibilities; Communist China - do you really think it is a good thing for the world for the USA to diminish in power so that Red China or Russia can fill the power-vacuum?  If you believe that and if you believe there is moral equivalency between the USA and Red China or the USA and Russia, then you simply do not understand history.  The USA, despite our shortcomings, has done more to create freedom around the world over the past 238 years than any political entity in the history of the human race.  If would really be nice if you could shed your hatred of your own country, set aside your prejudices about GWB - which if truth were known, is the source of your displeasure - and look at the bigger picture.  If you lived in China or Russia, your freedom to even ask the question you asked or to make the criticisms you have made, would not be allowed.  I suggest you do a little reading.  Perhaps you should start by reading "The Gulag Archipelago" by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn or, if you don't read "big books," maybe try "One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich," also by Solzhenitsyn.  After reading these two classics, ask yourself if you think there is moral equivalence between the USA and the USSR.  It will be a good test to see if you are capable of being honest, even with yourself.

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