
Is the next ice age going to come anytime soon?

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Is the next ice age going to come anytime soon?




  1. mmm...scientists seem to be getting it wrong when it comes to the 'rate of acceleration' that our glaciers are melting - that being the case it could happen sooner rather than later...

    Scientists tell us that the 'Gulf Stream drift' brings Britain our warmer climate and acts as a conveyor belt but when it reaches the northern hemisphere it could actually break down - being diluted by the fresh water glaciers falling into the ocean - without this Gulf Stream Britain would freeze over.

    It is a sobering thought what the Bible says in Revelation 11 v 18....

    "God is going to put to ruin those ruining the earth".

  2. today..........

    dont worry..........

  3. I remember hearing something that it would happen in 10 000 years... However, it takes million's of years to actually happen so dont worry... We'll all be dead then.

  4. Depending on your perspective, we might be still in it.  Still two major continental areas covered by glaciers (antarctica and Greenland).  Given the climate history of the past couple million years or so, it is a reasonable bet that things will get really icy again in the next several thousand years or so.

    Nothing that is likely to happen in our lifetimes.

    maybe all our polluting ways will push off the return of the king glacier.  Hard to say.

  5. Soon?  It's happened to my wife already!

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