
Is the nomination of Joe Biden a clear signal that the Obama campaign has completely lost the plot?

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Of course Imperial Washington is lauding the elevation of Joe Biden, the consummate foreign policy insider who supposedly has so much knowledge and so many accomplishments. But can you actually name any of his so-called "accomplishments"?

The reality is different. For two years Obama has been telling us - rightly - that experience isn't so important. After all, it was the "experienced experts" - like Joe Biden - who assured us that we needed to attack Iraq because of the imminent threat of Saddam Hussein.

Rather than fight back against McSame and the neo-cons on this crucial point, Obama has folded like a house of cards. He doesn't need a bunch of people with experience being wrong. His judgement was right about Iraq - and he needs to make THAT point to the American people. Because without out...why should we elect him again???




  1. Change you can't believe in! Joe Biden basically endorsed John McCain!

  2. He didnt pick Biden just for his foreign policy experience (although that is a plus). And by the way, if he pick a Tim Kaine or someone 'fresh,' he wouldnt have lost for sure because it would have been seen as a freshman ticket. The selection of Biden helped balance things out to give voters confidence. In other words, Obama is behind the wheel but if he steers it wrong, biden will be their to help steer it right. it was a great pick.

    The main reason he selected Biden is because of his ability to attack Mccain and do it in a very authentic way. Plus, he really appeals to blue collar workers and i really think he will play a bigger role than the VPs in the past.

  3. He picked Biden to appeal to swing voters, which is where elections are won or lost these days.

    In other words, it indicates he knows what he's doing.  

    See, this is the reason why a guy like Obama is presidential nominee of a major party, and you're crying on some vanity website about how nobody does things your way.

  4. It does tend to undermine the message he has tried so hard to become associated with, don't it.  How can you still shout change with someone who has been in the Senate for 35 years?

  5. Calm down. Every successful caper require a guy on the inside these days.

  6. Mr. Freaky Person....

    Can I ask you a serious question. First I applaud you on your critique.

    Second...Do you think I was Off-Base when I went on my campaign since May to inform you guys of Obama?

    I pretty much laid it out at all angles why Obama is no different...That he lacks the fortitude to stand his ground...and quite frankly he was being idealistic...

    I just wonder...

    Do you think anything I said was on the mark about Obama? And only now are people beginning to see...

    Since when do WORDs alone and not character give credence to a Man's trust...

    You may still not vote for McCain...but the bigger question Mr. Freaky why did many of the Obama Supporters get seduced in the first place?

    Answer: Because Obama knew exactly what to say to rally you up. That's what scary. He knew your number. Shrewd people always do.

    take care...and great analysis...  

  7. Politics what can you expect.

  8. Oh we go again.

    Per Chuck Hagel, a Republican Senator, "His many years of distinguished service to America, his seasoned judgment and his vast experience in foreign policy and national security will match up well with the unique challenges of the 21st Century. An Obama-Biden ticket is a very impressive and strong team. Biden’s selection is good news for Obama and America.”

    Per Hillary Clinton, "In naming my colleague and friend Joe Biden to be the vice presidential nominee, Barack Obama has continued in the best traditions for the vice presidency by selecting an exceptionally strong, experienced leader and devoted public servant. Senator Biden will be a purposeful and dynamic vice president who will help Senator Obama both win the presidency and govern this great country."

    It's a solid VP pick.  Deal with it.

  9. Clinton probably refused his offer.

    Did that cross your mind?

  10. Democrates needed a attack dog so they got one now. Most racist Republicans will shut their mouth now.

  11. If you think there would be no difference between an Obama presidency and a McCain presidency you are hopelessly delusional and beyond help.

  12. As a republican, I can tell you I feel a lot better with Biden, although I still want McCain to win.  The war isn't my issue, my issue is unions and both Obama and Biden are hardcore unionizers.  Unions are the reason for high inflation and jobs movings overseas.

  13. So now that your savior has proved he is nothing more than the overly ambitious socialist we have been telling you for months, do you think you could change your first name to go along with your middle name?  How about Barry?

    Do you feel, well you know, used?

    Hey, enjoy your "change" and "hope"....

  14. Wait, you asked "why should we elect him again???"  We haven't elected Obama yet, what's with the 'again' thing?  

    I think Joe Biden was a far better choice than the rest on Obama's list.  He's clearly blue collar and appeals to the same people that Hillary did with the exception of the trust fund Clinton kids or wannabes called the PUMAs.  Who I think are really McCain supporters and Rove operatives trying to divide the Democratic party.  

    Biden has taken some very very good positions on the issues and a few controversial positions.  But overall, I think Biden will make a really good VP.  And, he compliments Obama on domestic issues and completes Obama on foreign issues.

    I think you are right about Obama losing his plot.  I think Biden will re-energize that plot however and Obama will get right back on track with his message.

    EDIT:  I disagree that Kaine would be a better choice.  No one knows Kaine (a one term governor).  McCain would have had a field day with that whole "inexperience" b.s.  Look, Kennedy had LBJ, a man with more experience than Kennedy in office and a man who was also very much Kennedy's opposite.  Biden isn't Obama's opposite but brings that candidacy into a fuller roundness if you will to appeal to swing voters.  Obama also said that he would want someone who would be ready to take the presidency if anything would happen.  I think he was looking for a total package in a VP choice, not just someone who is new.  I think it was a far far smarter choice than Kaine.  And, 100 times more smart than choosing someone like Nayh.  And, now they are both saying that change is a good thing.  Biden even said today that D.C needs a huge change and he's been trying to do it for years.  Did you see his speech today?  It was really quite good.

  15. Obama didn't even consider Hillary.

  16. More a signal he betrayed the American left from the beginning but I'm glad you finally see Obama is not what he pretends to be or how naive youth view him.

    With all the talk about "a war that should never have been waged or authorized" Obama now picks a VP candidate who not only voted in favor of authorization to use military force but defended the rationals which were clearly lies.*t...

    Obama's credibility as the anti war candidate if that was needed to anyone not fooled by the two party charade is totally shattered and for what? A candidate with zero star power or voter base.

    The political trajectory of the Obama campaign and the preparations for the reactionary media spectacle to be staged in Denver underscore the impossibility of carrying out any struggle against war, political reaction and the destruction of the living standards and basic rights outside of the independent political mobilization of the working class based on a socialist program.

    Once again this November, the two-party system will offer no means of expressing the massive popular opposition to war, but rather an empty choice between two big business candidates who are committed to the expanded use of militarism in pursuit of US corporate and financial interests.

    Second there's Biden's own credibility that sinks by accepting. "Biden dropped out of the 2008 race for the Democratic presidential nomination after a poor finish in the Iowa caucuses, but not before he talked dismissively of joining someone else's ticket.

    "I am not running for vice president," he said in a Fox interview. "I would not accept it if anyone offered it to me. The fact of the matter is I'd rather stay as chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee than be vice president." "

    Then there are the many attacks on Obama that make the Clinton's statements, those hardcore Obama supporters freaked out about, seem very mild. As late as 2007 Biden said he would stand by his statement Obama is not ready to be President. I see another lost election for the Democrats

  17. It seems so out of character with what he's been saying up to this point.  For someone who entered the race telling us that he wanted to change the way we do business in Washington one would expect him to make a different choice for his running mate.  Biden, a career politician, is Mr. Business as usual.  I was expecting him to pick someone who was less of a Washington insider.  Picking Biden seems to be the safe play, but no one ever got anywhere by playing it safe.    

  18. Osama Obama is just a Muslim trying to hide what he wants to do to the US.   Just like McCain says, if you want real Americans and patriots at in  the WhiteHouse, vote for McCain.  NOT a bunch of Muslim lovers.

  19. I do not think Obama want a VP yes-man, Biden knows his way around Washington, he makes a very good attack dog, and will not hold back from offering another prospective. I like this move!

  20. Did he ever really have a plot?  

    He is just appeasing the popular votes to get elected.  Since when did Obama ever speak consistently?

    McCain 2008

  21. We don't have to worry about Biden or Obama because McCain is going to win

    that idiot Biden wants to divide Iraq into 3 states to please his masters in Tel Aviv and Tehran  

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