
Is the novel Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson a realistic novel?

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I need to compare a realistic novel and a romantic novel. So could I use Speak and Twilight? Or should I use differnet novels??




  1. I'm not familiar with Speak, but looking at the plot summary, it sounds like a realistic novel. Don't use Twilight. Half your class is going to use Twilight.

  2. speak is both a very good, AND realistic novel. Everything that happens to Melinda is something that could happen to any girl. She deals with it in a different manner, but thats what makes her so interesting to read about.

    twilights a good choice too for romance. i may be a biased opinion about that though, since im a HUGE twilighter. hehe. but twilight has so many romantic scenes that just make me squeal and saw awww. :]

  3. Yes, Speak is realistic; it has high school and rape victims down perfectly.

    I would not use Twilight, just because it is fantasy and is not focused on high school like Speak is.  Try to look for a book dealing with high school romances (no fantasy theme) instead.  Some of Sarah Dessen's novels are centered around high school romance; perhaps you could use one of those.  I'm not entirely sure if they are well-written or not (I haven't read any of them) but I've heard them recommended many times.

  4. well i ahvent read twilight yet so i dont know about that one. but as for speak. i read it and i think its an amazing book! it is definatly realistic because it can happen to anyone. you go to a party and some guy is drunk and tries to take advantage of you. you cant say that it will never happen to you beacuse it can. the character of melinda felt so real when i read it that i could not put the book down. you should definatly use this book as a realistic book.

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