
Is the nuclear family just an ideal and do we place more importance on it than we need to?

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Is the nuclear family just an ideal and do we place more importance on it than we need to?




  1. family is the building block of a nation, a community and society, hence its importance and relevance to our lives.  its imperative and it will continue despite hi divorces, g*y marriage etc for where else can a person turn to except the family.

    of course there r exceptions as broken family, troubled marriages etc but in essence the majority of families are still nuclear and there is still harmony and family life is very much alive all over the world.

    theres just too much media coverage on negative side of life

  2. Due to the life style that has evolved,  such as the acceptance of divorce, inter- racial marriage,  g*y marriage, nuclear families will increase.  We will then not have to place more importance on it as it will be second nature to all.

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