
Is the obese person at fault or the car companies at fault for not making bigger seat belts?

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  1. Take some responsibility. If you can't fit into the seat or use the seatbelt, it's your own fault for getting that fat in the first place, and quite frankly, I don't know if I want people like that driving on the same road as me.

  2. Well, without bothering to read the article, I am going to say it depends. Some people are born with problems which cause them to be obese, regardless of how healthy they may be.

    It is not at all their fault. But then there are *other* obese people who are obese and bring it on themselves and do nothing about it. They are at fault.

  3. don't get me wrong, I am heavy myself, however, I am at this weight as a reactions of poor eating habits and inactivity.  I have seen a lot of big people make a lot of excuses, hence a lady that was on Dr. Phil because she claimed that she weighed five hundred pounds because of a spider bite, but ate five thousand calories a day.  Sometimes we just need to take responsibility rather than complain and make excuses for choices that we ourselves have made.  I think if we accomodate to obesity, it is saying that being massively overweight is okay and therefore there is no need to do anything about it.

  4. if externders still would not help, do not drive

  5. its always the fat lazy b@stards fault.

  6. If you're too big to use a seat belt then I'm going to assume that you don't care too much about your health and well being in the first place. If you insist on driving then I would probably recommend cargo straps.

  7. I am not a skinny person. I am not an obese person. ALL people deserve to be safe when driving or riding in an auto. Does not matter if your tall, short, skinny, fat, or like me, short and a little heavy. Does not matter. Safety should always be first with the car company. To make a larger seat belt would take what ... a little extra material? Woo! (LOL!) Not up to the car company to determine what the size of a person "should" be, it is up to the car people to make them safe.

    Hope it helps!


  8. As an obese person you may not be in position to see your own legs possibly.And you think you will be in position to see and drive   properly.By default or design there is a compulsion that you walk more or at least keep trying to belt yourself  on more occasions in the car

  9. Obesity isn't the responsibility of the car company, the only responsibility they have is to supply safe vehicles for the average consumer.  Car companies cannot take into account for every type of human form for their cars, that would mean that each car would have to be custom fitted and custom made.   Car manufacturers are not obligated, nor should they be, to accommodate  every fat or skinny person on Earth.  Thats like telling McDonalds to sell smaller fries to fat people.  Obesity is a personal problem,  If your too fat to wrap a seat belt around you, lose some weight, or don't ride.

  10. The obese person is at fault. They should live a healthier lifstyle that allows them to fit in the seat belt. Besides driving is a convenience that makes ppl lazy. They should be bike riding or walking.

  11. The obese person is at fault.

    Denial is a powerful thing.

  12. The obese person. I'm sorry but unless it's a medical condition that makes them obese, then it's their own fault for getting that big. Ok, the car companys could make them longer but it's a bit dangerous to be driving with an obese person blocking the window.

  13. i think that about sums it up in that article

  14. It's like with clothes or shoes - they are made to fit like 98 percent of population.

    I'd be more concern with the ability of an extremely obese person to operate a car safely and, no offence, the way they fit into a seat.

    BTW, if somebody feels being squeezed by a seatbelt, try this link. It reduces the pressure from the belt while maintaing their function.

    It really works, I have a similar device.

  15. It is funny because cars are made smaller and what if you are tall you do not fit either. Is it your fault. Lets pick on the fat guy. We can outrun him anyway.

  16. If the seat belt dont fit you then dont drive....too dangerous.

  17. To a certain degree, the Fed's fault and the car companies fault if the car companies are in fact adhering to the 215 lb ruling.

    Many, many people weigh over 215.  I assume that it isn't too difficult to accommodate more to a reasonable degree.  I would think that most car makers already do.  I am guessing that accommodating to 250 is best, and that a person of that weight isn't necessarily obese. After that, belt extensions should be made available.

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