
Is the objective of society to Suppress or Command violence?

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Specifically does the principal of cooperative non-violence transcend all boundaries,

Or is this just boneheaded denial of the inherent competitiveness of life?




  1. The objective of society is to maintain a peaceful and equitable balance for the good of all the people.

    Politics is what muddies up the river!

  2. The objective of society is to unit and have strength so that every person (human being) as member can perform and enjoy best in his life.

    If we see our daily schedule, we are inter dependent to perform and enjoy our life. If we want to live peacefully, people around us should be also in the same state.

    similarly if the two neighbor countries live peacefully and cooperating to each other, they can enjoy more prosperity because sharing each other resources will increase the strength of both.  

  3. The objective of society is to provide safety thru numbers. It is the maintenance of that society that creates violence within it. Since someone must lead that others may follow, there is always a constant struggle to be the leader and thereby be self-determinant.

  4. Both, it keeps everyone busy, therefore sane enough to deal with the atrociousness of life and death (and all that fall in between)

  5. Locke said in a just society, laws are made and enforced by the consent of the governed, or what he called "common sovereignty."

    America's Founders abstracted from the concept of "common" sovereignty the idea of "individual sovereignty."

    The objective of a just society is the protection of the individual as the smallest minority, i.e., to supress the initiation of force, and to take action against those who initiate such force.

  6. Great question!

    It seems to me that the objective of society is to suppress violence. However we do not deny the fact that society too command violence. It is indeed a tug-of-war between the two. There are two forces besetting the very purpose what a society should be. Man is a wolf to man, so they say..... It is very hard to arrive in a non-violence method if evil forces are around. The world we are into is a stricken cancer society. I definitely still hope that competitiveness among humans will be erased if we want a lasting peace.

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  7. It would seem like it's to suppress violence...To end terrorism and threats...But sometimes sticking "noses" where they don't belong seem like we're the violent parties and command it.

    And I don't like the way we approve the right to carry arms but a lot of businesses have a "No Weapon policy" ... Why did we approve the right to carry arms then? There sure are a lot of shootings and killings happening in our streets of our inner cities nowadays...You can't drive downtown without having to "dodge bullets". Pretty sad.  

  8. The objective of society should be neither, but to regulate violence.

    Violence cannot be suppressed. The question is about defining how much violence is tolerable in what situation. Two competing businesses should be in a conflictual situation, but should refrain from using physical violence. There must be rules of the game (agreed or enforced) by which people can stick. The police should in turn be allowed to use physical violence, but also according to rules, and in a proportionate way.

    War is still a problem. There are attempts to define a "just" war (I like the ideas of Vitoria), but somehow we get on a limit there.

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