
Is the ocean really polluted?

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i am doing a project on the oceans pollution! so please if u have any answers to my questions ANSWER THEM!!!!!




  1. Yes!!!!!! Of course the ocean is polluted! Just look at the sound and Jones Beach. Yuck! It's ghetto! Nasty! Water! And it sux cause I swim in it! Me! I swim in it....... Okay, truth, the water is polluted usually in highly populated areas....... Sorry I bugged out.

  2. Yes, check scientic journals for the studies.

  3. Yes. People dump lots of waste there like its sum huge dump. The *beep*ing idiots. Sry, just had to get it out of my system. I'm very enviromental. Also, oil spills that occur are really bad. Animals get stuck on the beach and birds try to clean oil out of their feather, which poisons them. Not to mention the fact that animals choke of the 6-rings for soda. It is completely polluted.

    you can read this if you want...

  4. Yes, people dump c**p in them that shouldn't be there, but if you're looking for an answer more suited to AGW look up ocean acidification.

    Increased levels of CO2 has caused the pH level to drop, killing off corals and small creatures.

  5. The ocean is filled with plastic that is being broken down into fine pellets, replacing sand.  Animals are ingesting this "new sand" and the health risks are not known yet.  There is tons of plastic waste dumped into the ocean from fishing lines to plastic bags and drinking cups.  

    This kind of pollution is worse than the global warming nonsense.  This is real, and can't be assuaged by paying a nebulous tax on something made up.  This is what we need to work on.

  6. salt kills and eats man made greams

  7. yes, thats why many animals died :(

    which its really sad ......

  8. Yes it is. We pump human waste, garbage, and other things into the ocean which causes the ocean to be polluted. The chemicles that people put into the ocean also causes it to be polluted. I hope that I'm helping you!

  9. Yes it is.

    But the oceans and the seas are so vast being two/thirds of the surface of the earth that most people and their governments around the globe just ignore it.

    See here about the vast floating dump in the Pacific Oceean courtesy of the west coast of the good 'ol USA:

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