
Is the only reason liberals are voting for obama is just because its a feel good story for them?

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liberals: "we helped get a black man elected, yeah us!"

The Real World: "Shut up loony liberals" I would not want to be elected for anything knowing I got a sympathy vote."

liberals: "you sound racist to me"

The Real World: Don't you have some cats to save, so we can get back to business?




  1. White guilt, yet they practice white flight. LMFAO!

  2. Not even close to being true. Nice try though.

    OBAMA 08

  3. Or they prefer his platform of affordable health care, out of Iraq, restoring the economy, no drilling offshore gimmick....

  4. yes..don't forget the black vote though..they are voting for him solely because he is the same color as them, that's simply racist, voting for someone  because he isn't white..

  5. This one is guaranteed to bring a few Obamabots out of the woodwork!

    No, he CAN'T!!! No, he WON'T!!! '08

    No, she COULDN'T!!! No, she DIDN'T!!! '08

  6. Yes. And, the first answer clearly shows just how emotional-based liberals are.

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