
Is the only way that the media will leave Sarah's daughter alone about her pregnancy...?

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Is if it came out that John Edwards was the father.

And why aren't the same people that are outraged about a teen pregnancy upset about Edward's having a chid out of wedlock while his wife is being treated for cancer?




  1. I complete agree with you. I don't know why the media is doing this. I don't see how this will affect her ability for her potential job. I think they should focus on other things like her qualities. But this is the media. But I wonder this too.

  2. First of all I agree the chidlren should be left out of it, but not if you are praising family values and your child is pregnant at 16, with pictures of her drinking, making out with other girls, and using gang signs.  Secondly, if you had followed the Edwards story completely to the end, you would know that "yes" Edwards cheated on his wife - but he is not the father.  Vote Ron Paul and lets fix this Country.

  3. No.  That would make it more interesting to the press.

    Anyway, I thought there was no evidence that Edwards' mistress' baby was his.  

  4. When the medias talked about her daughter's pragnancy, not to attack her daughter but to attack her policy.

    How is she going to take care of the counrty when she doesn't know how to tare care of her own family. Especially her baby who needs her attention most of her time.

  5. Bristol Palin wasn't running for office.  She's 17.  He's 55 with a wife.  Personally,he has to live with it. I wish Elizabeth Edwards the best.

  6. The media will only leave them after they come out clean about Trig's real mother.

  7. Because he's an adult?

    just a guess...

  8. I love the Palins! Go Sarah!

  9. No, since the media is not bringing it up.

    It is The Republicans and phony conservatives that keep bringing it up to make Palin look persecuted.

    The GOP railed at the big bad media for reporting this NEWS, for simply doing their job.

    As if it would not come out during The RNC anyway.

    Then they trot her and her boyfreinf out in front of every available camera yesterday.

    Gov. Palin is a terrible person to use her pregnant teen daughter for political gain.

    John McCain should feel ashamed for sinking so low.

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