
Is the paris metro safe to ride after dark...?

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i'm going to paris with a friend and our kids (all under age 10) and i was wondering if (in your opinions) the metro is a safe choice for transportation after dark? assuming that we are aware of our surroundings and all those other common sense type things...




  1. I've ridden the metro alone at night and it was fine.  I'm an American female.  Just pay attention to your surroundings.  It's unlikely anyone would bother a group of people except maybe to try picking a pocket.  

    One of my favorite things about Paris is that there are people out and about till late evening even during the week.  On one trip, a friend and I were hanging out in front of Notre Dame and there were lots of people there after 11 pm.  There were street performers and people just hanging in pairs and groups, chatting away like it was the middle of the day.  We were enjoying our conversation and people-watching and almost missed the last metro train!  We felt perfectly safe.  On another trip (by myself this time), I was on top of the Eiffel Tower at 11:30 pm and took the metro back to my apartment in Beaubourg.  Again, I felt perfectly safe.

  2. I'm parisian and I won't be so sure that some other people.

    I would say that usually, there is no problem.

    It depends on where you have to go. Try to avoid changing in some stations for example : Barbes, Strasbourg St Denis, Stalingrad, Gare du Nord....(north - east)

    I think before 8 pm there will be no problem but later metros don't come so often and sometimes you have to wait 10 or 15 minutes. The main "risk" is to meet some drunken men....

    So I would advice to take a taxi if you have to come back very late...

    But don't worry, I want just you to pay attention....

  3. Its as safe as most other cities. I live in London, have been to NYC and Paris, for example. You get the same people, you take the same precautions, and you will be fine.

  4. I never had a problem, then again, I'm 6'2 and around 280 pounds. It's fine !!

  5. I'd say it's probably safe.There might be some prostitutes hanging around or something and maybe a few weirdos, but just stay away from anyone that looks a little crazy and don't talk to anyone.

  6. I lived in Paris in 2001 and it was safe then. I last visited this past June, it was safe then too.

  7. Yes, provided that you use the same common sense that you would apply in any large city: avoid traveling alone if you can, and avoid having large quantities of money or conspicuous jewelry on you. Based on what you say about being aware of your surroundings and so forth, I very much doubt that you'll have any problems.

  8. For the most part yes, especially if you are travelling together and when it is busy (which is most of the time. Rush hours are from 7 to 10 am and 5 to 8 pm but it can be a little overcrowded then). The métro is pretty busy until late on Friday and Saturday nights so it is safe then too. There is a lot of night life in Paris so after dark means nothing, the city will still be full of activity and won't feel creepy at all. Also, the French live much later than Americans,  (for instance dinner is never before 8:00 pm) and go out much more.

    Avoid hanging in the Forum des Halles mall (in the very center) after the store closing time (although it is now full of cops and much safer than it used to be) and do not take some of the far suburb trains outside busy hours. Otherwise in most of the downtown it is fine (not 100% safe so you are right to be cautious anyway, but safe), especially in central, touristic areas.

    The only thing to watch for when it is busy is pickpockets but I am sure you already know that. Enjoy your stay in Paris.

  9. The Metro is safe atevery hour.

    Service begin at 5 a.m and end at 1 a.m.

    Some places may look worrying in the 18th, 19th or 20th "arrondissements" in the north-east of the town but it is actually OK to go there at almost any time. If you have young kids it is unlikely that you are outside after 11 p.m anyway.

    The same goes for the buses.

    However, the RER (suburban trains) are not so safe when it goes outside of Paris. It is unlikely that you will have to use it. But if you do, try to be back in Paris before 9 p.m.

  10. You're to be commended for asking this question, because it's clear that you have your children's safety in mind.  It's surprising how many parents take this things for granted.  How refreshing to come across a question like this!

    The Paris Metro is safe at virtually all hours, but it is especially safe during the times you would likely be traveling with children.  The only times I have felt vaguely uneasy was very late at night when there are few people using the trains, and those that do get somewhat 'questionable.'  This scenario is probably not applicable to you, because you likely won't have your children out late at night.

    Outside that precaution, the Metro is completely safe.  You should, of course, take the common-sense precautions to which you refer, including an awareness of your surroundings and keeping purses, wallets, and other valuables out of reach of pickpockets, especially in crowded areas.

    The Metro is a fantastic way to get around Paris:  It's fast, efficient, and costs very little when compared to taxis.  What's more, you're children will find it to be quite an adventure.  Adults tend to look on it as a dreary experience, so I recommend that you see this part of the world through your children's eyes!

    Enjoy your trip!

    Kango Traveler

  11. Paris has got to be one of the safest cities.But having said that dont throw caution to the winds,especially when travellng with small children.Give the children indez cards with all their info on it.Phone numbers,adresses,their nationality,their names and ages.This way if they get lost the police or public have a better chance of helping them.You may want to laminate this index  card  and put in their pocket or put on a chain around their neck.I travelled a great deal with my kids and I used to do whtat I suggested to you.

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