
Is the path to Heaven also paved with good intentions?

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Is the path to Heaven also paved with good intentions?




  1. Probably.  Unless it's not.

  2. thats the idea but everyone knows there are a lot of pot holes in that road.

  3. I thought the road to h**l was paved with good intentions?

    Did they change it?

  4. I covered this last week but of course my account was deleted. The road to heaven is paved with ill will.

  5. how can there be a path to heaven when people are so ashamed that the veil hides it?

    ps; stay away fromm metophers.

  6. There can't be a path to a place that doesn't exist.

    But theologically speaking, I imagine that the road to heaven is paved with acting on good intentions. not just good intentions themselves. But knowing what is good and doing it.  

  7. The path to heaven is paved with faith in Jesus Christ.

  8. Yes. it doesn't mean you will get there.

  9. No there were budget cuts in heaven, its now been reduced to an old dusty road.

  10. Good intentions means nothing was done.

    James 4:17

    Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.

  11. LOL What!?!?!

    I know its paved with gold

  12. Nope.  Solid asphalt.

    Jesus hired better contractors.

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