
Is the phrase: "The more things change, the more they stay the same." True????

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Is the phrase: "The more things change, the more they stay the same." True????




  1. There is a cosmic reality which effects us all and it is all encompassing through the over control of Deity which has it's impact on our Planet. This seems as though it is never changing for  we are but a moment in Eternity. In reality it is ever evolving and expanding but in the moment it is imposable to realize or grasp, just why so many cannot accept Deities part in our lives.

  2. I believe so..because it seems that even when strong attempts are made to cause a change, something which is relentlessly repetitive returns to take a situation back to the same a old patterns.

  3. People are always trying to change some aspect of our condition. They have not yet learned that the Human Condition is immutable.

  4. A big "NO" ! An example: your body get the change from day one to date and it is not the same as it was last year or few years ago. In the same way you get changed in life too in your thinking, actions and achievements! Rather it is simple to say that what you do today could not have been done when you are a baby!

    So I would prefer to say this way:

    " For most of the people, the more the things change them, they pretend to stay same"

  5. Yes, in the sense in how we all deal with the variable of change...

    1) Most of us, choose to deny that change is inevitable and will go to extra-lengths to create the illusion that things are and remain the same.

    2) It is through these illusive-efforts that in relation to change"the more we attempt to remain the same"

    3) "The more they stay the same" is basicly another way of describing each and all of our "Denial" to inevitable change.

  6. Nearly.

  7. Just another way of saying something like "Those that refuse to learn history are bound to repeat it."  Due to personal observation and experience I believe it is true.

  8. Yes it is true, if things are constantly changing, change in itself becomes the same.

  9. It's working for the Republican party. Vote McSame.

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