
Is the pigeon dying??

by Guest61215  |  earlier

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Hey, there is this Pigeon or Rock Dove by my house and it can't fly. It looks like its an adult but i'm not sure. Also it is too tame. You can walk over and pick it up and put it somewhere and it wont move for a while. And I think it has flees. Is there anything I can do to help it?(I currently have him on a table with a water bowl and bread) Is it dirty like my mom said? Is it dying or something. Help would be great immediately!




  1. if it has fleas, yes you can consider it dirty. Pigeons are typically dirty birds, sleep and p**p in the same place. In my state, AZ, it is illegal to hlep any wild bird, even ones that are sick. You may be able to take it to the vet to be euthanized humanely. Be careful in Arizona though as some vets will turn you into the fish and game commission.

  2. If you think an animal is in pain or dying and time is of the essence, what do you think is your responsibility? Either take it to the vet or ask your dad to humanely put it out of its misery.  

  3. You should probably just kill it, it's the most loving thing to do. And yes it does pose a health risk to you but you should be fine as long as you wash well before eating and don't put your fingers in your mouth.

  4. It is probably a young pigeon.  You can tell if it is because sometimes the young one still have a few stray yellow hairs on top of their head.  If you have any kind of compassion you will help this bird.  Just wash your hands after you handle it.If you are seeing bugs run quickly through the birds feathers, it is Hippoboscidae Flies.  If you have Seven Dust for your garden pest and pet pests you can dust the pigeon with it. If not, I have used cat or dog flea spray to get rid of the flies.  The flies suck the birds blood and make them week.  If you can rid the bird of the parasites and keep feeding it it will gain its strength.  As for being dirty.  Normal caution when handling and washing your hands after wards is safe.  If it is young, it may need help learning to eat and drink.  If that is the case you should post again for more information.

  5. If the water bowl is there a healthy bird would bathe. It must be sick. I'm sorry to say this but if you don't humanely kill it it will suffer terribly. :(

  6. If it appears tame it may well be.  Unfortunately there are many people who decide they're tired of pet doves and pigeons and simply turn them loose.  Without help the bird, if it was once tame, will likely starve to death.  PLEASE call a wildlife rehabber who will know how to help this poor bird.  (Even if he is ill, please call that rehabber.)  


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