
Is the pill good or bad to use?

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My girlfriend has gone down to the doctors today for some medical issue but also decided she would ask for the pill. We are both 16 and my question was is a condom better to use? Also does s*x feel better without a condom and what are the risks of taking the pill? Thanks :)




  1. It will feel better without a condom but it's not a big difference. Obviously, condoms work to protect against STDs so unless you guys have been tested (even if you're both virgins you should get it done anyway) you'll need condoms. The pill is probably slightly more reliable for pregnancy, though your girlfriend needs to make sure she's taking it every day and at the same time, not taking any other medications etc. she needs to know all the information in the leaflet about what to do if you miss one, vomit etc.

    Given your young age I would recommend you use both, normally people relying on just the pill are a bit older and could handle a pregnancy even if it's not ideal, whereas at your age it's probably best to be as safe as you can. A lot of people double up.


  2. skin to skin will always feel better then rubber to skin, so s*x without a condom will feel better.

    there can be side effects of taking the pill such as cramps, abit of weight gain & an increase risk of cancer (but with the amount of women taking it dont panic too much)

    other then that, its normally the safest way to have s*x, as long as neither of u have any STD/I

  3. well it does prevent any unwanted children, best to use both to be on the safe side and using a condom means theres no mess

  4. std check and vasectomy/tubes tied I find the safest thing to use. pills are also good, except I wouldnt take them for life. they are saying that they can even cause a cancer. however for now while still in teens/young adults, pills are good against pregnancy. condoms, meh, you know, guys fluid can still land on her v****a, cause the fluid will come out at the bottom.

  5. The 'Pill' just prevents pregnancy, a condom does that & protects from diseases, s*x is better for the man without one but better to use one & be safe.

  6. Based on my experience, One type of b.pills gave me headaches, made me fat and extreamly nervous.

    The other gave me periods every week and my s*x life got inturrupted. My husband didn't like me using it. So either use condoms or coitus inturruptus.

  7. The advantage of condoms is that they give SOME protection against STIs. The disadvantage is that on their own they can have a fail rate, according to some studies, of up to 15%. Remember that using no contraception at all has a 'fail rate' or pregnancy rate, of 60%, so you may only be reducing your pregnancy risk by 75%. There is some decrease in sensation with the condom, both partners are aware of it, but generally it causes more problem for males.

    The combined pill has a fail rate of about 0.2% or to put it another way it is 99.8% effective, but it gives no protection at all against STIs.

    The most suitable method of contraception in terms of risk minimisation, before you settle with a partner with whom you want to have children, is thus a combination of the pill PLUS a condom.

    The risk that causes most concern with the combined pill is clots. The risk rises from 15/100,000 women/ year in the non-pregnant woman not on the pill, to about 25/100,000. This compares to 50/100,000 in pregnancy. This can be significantly reduced by using the mini-pill. Unfortunately though much safer it tends to cause dysfunctional bleeding in most women for the first 3 months or more.

    I hope this covers all your questions.

  8. Personally I think it will be a better experience without the condom.

    The condom prevents unwanted children and so the pill does the same job.But the is increase risk of cancer but its very unlikely The pill may give cramps but this is normal.I think you would feel better skin to skin rather that skin to rubber.I have tried s*x 3 times without condom but with pill and I turned out fine.But just to be on the safe side go to a docter and check your self out for any disease that may cause a problem.If you want professional help i suggest go to you docter and discuss this or research online.But I am sure there is not many risks its the same risks that you get with condoms.

    Anyway goodluck.

    I hope you have fun.


  9. It's fine to use. If your girlfriend experiences any unwanted side effects whilst on the pill (depression, increased appetite, loss of s*x drive for example), she can just ask to change to another one. You could both go to the family planning clinic for more advice. Personally, I'd advise using both condom and the pill, as it would protect against STDs and give you double protection against pregnancy. The pill has a 99% effectiveness compared with about 96-97% effectiveness for condoms. However, improper usage of the pill - forgetting to take it - will obviously lead to a higher risk of pregnancy.

    It's good that you're getting all the facts before rushing into this. Good luck x

  10. Here are some links to help you understand:

    To be honest at your age, using both would be a better idea. It's good you are thinking about contraception. s*x can be great with condoms, and knowing you're both protected means you can both relax. You can get condoms free from doctors surgeries, family planning clinics and young peoples' advice centres.

    Don't rush into s*x though. It isn't just a physical thing, there are lots of emotions and mental aspects to consider. Plus it is something you will remember. Take your time, there isn't any need to be in a hurry. Make sure you both trust each other, and yourselves.

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