
Is the plymouth county hospital haunted?

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It was a tuberculosis hospital in like Hanson I think. And people are telling me that it has been haunted and I live pretty close to hanson. My brother tried to get in there with his friends but the cops would have caught them. So seriously, is this place actually haunted????




  1. I spent some childhood years downhill from there. We would investigate (as all young boys should) a forbidden area. We stole some glass jars with weird looking things in them. Turns out the jars held human brains and other cool thing to stimulate young boys. We never got haunted, we did get prosecuted. The stuff we stole is across the street and downhill towards West Washington street. Look for the English pine tree across the street from a variety store (I forget the name-- rt 27). If you find this stuff you may get the ghosts to rest. An abandoned well cover will show you some cool things. Have fun, be careful.

  2. It is listed on a haunted sites website ..........But the site also states that in October 2007 it was torn down.

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