
Is the present generation selfish?

by Guest59975  |  earlier

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Is the present generation selfish?




  1. Some would believe so as global warming could count as evidence. As we have been so selfish as to let our planet become the state it is in today, and not done much about it shows we have only been thinking about ourselves and our own needs.

    However, we could say that we are not as we do more nowadays to help the third world country, as we know there was a time when coloured people were seen as dirt and looked down upon. Now we are more than welcome to invite people of a different ethnic background into our daily lives.

    Hope that has helped slightly. =]

  2. I don't know... I think it's safe to say the majority of us are pretty lazy.

  3. If you are talking about the youth then I think selfish isn't the right word.Yea,u can use 'indifferent' though.

    They are so much into their own worlds that they can't care about global,social issues.Nowadays our lifestyle is so fast that we aren't left with much time for reflections maybe that's why the awareness takes time to grow.

    But u can't generalise like that,maybe a major part of the youth shows this aloofness but there are people who are aware of their surroundings too.

    Our insatiable needs are the cause of the wars and natural calamities & things are deteriorating fast but subtly.

    We need people like you who would force us to go into introspections momentarily.

    Even I act indifferently at times.Thanx, for reminding me of my responsibilities.


  4. Yes, I am a 13-year-old and I could say that we get it all too easy. I think all the children in highly developed countries such as Canada, US etc take things for granted. And yes, they're selfish. I find it hard to give some of my allowance which I could easily get to a child in Africa who will die tomorrow because they're strucked by poverty. We are accustom to getting things are way and living like Kings and Queens. I'm not saying that I am not selfish, but we need to stop being so d**n selfish and think about those in need. Honestly, I'm trying to change, but we all just take, take TAKE!

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