
Is the problem with getting educated beyond ones intellect leads to to much political correctness .?

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and people become to weak to resolve the problem .

i.e. a big bunch of jessies




  1. PC seems to originate in the courses held at some colleges up and down the country. As a former teacher I think that teacher training is one of the worse examples. The students then go on to further the points taught them into a wider field.

    Unfortunately the vast majority of the UK population are subjected to these crazy ideas, but fortunately one or two of our daily newspapers are now keeping us better informed.

    If I may give you two examples of PC brigade activity, one on children's TV, the other on afternoon soap TV.

    There have been a few voices raised lately to the effect that children's cartoons are not home (UK) grown, mostly produced overseas. But some one let the cat out of the bag by saying the programmes were not "minority aligned".

    Secondly, many people at home during the afternoon have until last Monday enjoyed "Neighbours" following the 1 pm news on BBC1. They now have to sit and wait because that atrociously PC  correct programme "Doctors" is screened after the news. Its script writers appear to have the concept of PC indoctrination.

  2. PC  is about keeping people divided.  If there was not PC, there would be no division between the races, sexes, g**s, atheists, etc........ and liberals would loose votes because without that distance, they would not feel so victimized

  3. Do you stutter?

  4. An outcry about "political correctness" and "intellectual elitism" was made by the Right during the Clinton years.

    That was back when people needed something to complain about.

    And the mythology of "intellectual elites" and "college professors" running the country contributed to the election of the biggest idiot in the history of the Presidency.

    Yes, college professors tend heavily to be liberal, although I've known some who aren't.

    Intelligence is linked with broad-mindedness and being open to new ideas. So highly intelligent people are more likely to be liberal.

  5. No, being a sensitive pansy leads to too much PC.

  6. Somehow I don't think your problem is too much education.

  7. It is clear that this is the case with teaching you English grammar.

  8. You will find that the majority of college professors are crazed liberals who have spent far too long on college campuses getting indoctrinated in this damaging ideology!

  9. Political correctness is all about power.  It has very little to do with intellect.

    It is just another way for the bullies to control us. and we are letting them.

    I think that if we allow self appointed gestapo types to control our thoughts and our speech, it isn't much of a stretch for them to eventually control everything.\

    Then they will have to find an "enemy" to blame all our ills on, and we will have de-facto fascism.

  10. There is a theory that people are promoted to their level of incompetence, ie:  a person is recognised as a good worker so he is promoted to leading hand, he makes a good job of this so is promoted to foreman, again he does well so is promoted to Senior Foreman, where he is hopeless so they leave him there.

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