
Is the promotion of tofu as a healthy food a feminist conspiracy?

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  1. Well I think the bottom part explains why obese men get man-b***s,elevated estogen levels and all.  But it's not as though feminists are force feeding these men.

  2. At least you said so before one of the trolls came up with it.

  3. I don't see any correlation between soy products and feminism. Should I put on a tin hat?

  4. I can't believe I am answering this question but it is the best one so far today.

    The article made no mention of feminists and feminists don't cook, so I do see how they could be encouraging men to eat soy.

    Men in China eat a great deal of soy, and there doesn't seem to be a fertility problem in that terribly overpopulated country.

    It also affect mostly overweight men.

    "Men who are overweight or obese tend to have higher levels of androgen-produced estrogen. They are converting a male hormone into a female hormone in their fat. The more body fat you have, the more estrogen you produce in your fat," Chavarro said."

    So it is fat men who have a problem with the soy.

    Since feminist don't cook for men, and are sad and single, and are hairy ugly lesbians that can't find a man, I suspect that it is a conspiracy by the foreign imported brides, bringing their native use of soy in the diet into the country, and overfeeding their loser husbands on soy in an attempt not to have any ugly children from these men during the two years they have to live with the men before getting citizenship and getting a divorce.

    I blame it on foreign brides.  Yes.  That's it.

  5. I love tofu, especially stir fried with lots of veggies in a spicy black bean sauce.

  6. wow my partner and I eat massive amounts of tofu and soy-

    he is rather a nice man must help jhaving all those female hormones - helps that wea re beyond child rearing age.

    Whaddya know! maybe this just goes to show that god is a woman and she has a sense of humour.

  7. ::wounders if men with lower sperm counts are more likely to eat soy based products to begin with and that causes a comfound::

  8. More than likely i read this article to my husband this morning out of the newspaper. ( That's right boys i get the paper 1st in MY house)

    He thought it was rather ammusing only because he's never eaten the stuff.

    Won't be long now.!!!

  9. Wow! yet againg the feminists get the credit for marketing a 2000 year old Chinese foodstuff, still consumed largely throughout Asia.  How slowly this feminist revolution is happening!

    And you are right, we are trying to infuriate men so much by not just not waxing, or demanding equality of opportunity, we are promoting healthy eating so that they get so angry and want to do exactly the opposite they will continue to pork themselves on fast food driving up their cholesterol , inducing cardiac arrest, and our conspiracy to take over the planet will be revealed...lmao...ah! at least there are women out there for all those lovely men, equal in intelligence.

  10. Heh - that's sort of interesting.

    I guess I've never been one of those guys who's protective about his sperm count - given that I'm not currently trying to impregnate anyone, that sort of thing doesn't matter to me right now (in fact, it could be considered advantageous, in the sense that it helps my and my girlfriend's birth control efforts).  Perhaps a few years down the road, I might consider temporarily purging soy from my diet if I'm trying to have a kid.  But for now, I guess it doesn't horrify me.

    EDIT: Know-It-All, you might consider taking an irony supplement in your diet - it looks like you're a little deprived :)

  11. You need to understand why no man blamed it on feminism.

    I was a very small sample, it is the feminist that use faulty and outdated studies.

    i.e.) wage gap

    50% increase violence on Superbowl Sunday

    ect ect

  12. Haha one of my friends is a vegetarian and eats tofu all the time, I can't wait to tell him he is going to turn g*y :-D

  13. Most fertility problems tend to be associated with the use of pesticides and genetically modified food products. I don't see any feminists advocating for those, in fact it's the opposite.

    Given that the biggest advocates for these products tend to be men with vested interests in those industries, I would say that male capitalists are sabotaging their own sperm counts. Any good capitalist will sell you the noose you hang them with if it will turn a profit. Then again, it could just be a conspiracy to discredit feminism and somehow blame lower sperm counts due to pesticide use on their anti-food-additive ideals.

    Since when is pushing tofu on the feminist agenda anyway?

  14. No I hope not.  I think it was just a way to eat less red meat and getting protein in the diet.

    At least that is what people were told many moons ago.

  15. As soon as I see "may" in the sentence I know it's a pop science story. It goes into the filing cabinet alongside:

    Popcorn may cause cancer

    Gardening causes arthritis

    Tea makes you live to 102

    Bean curd is good stuff, but some health fanatics and those who claim to have every allergy under the sun, overuse it. Tofu every day and soy milk in a latte.

  16. I think it should not be taken to too seriously. They monitored only 99 men which a very low number.

  17. It's also suggested that the organic estrogen may cause cysts in women, so laugh all you want - it's not funny. But whatever, a feminist poking fun an impotency isn't a surprise to me. Emasculation is how they roll. Will this troll question be reported away? I doubt it.

  18. "It suggests soy foods could have some deleterious effect on the reproductive system and especially on sperm production" - I read such an article in 2005. Its NOT a conspiracy.

    Edit to CAustin - I did get the irony ! :-D

  19. Dont make me go eat chinese!!!

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