
Is the thing legit ?

by  |  earlier

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i ordered one yesterday but now when i try to go to the site it says not available




  1. NO!

    Cause think about it, yes we know its bargain, but hey look at gamestop or ebay or others...they sell these used ones for more $$$ even if its not working,so how do you expect to buy and get an $300-500 worth console for $34.99?..Why would someone sell you a ps3 for 40 bucks?! Well send me a picture if you got one.. Atleast you just waste 34.99 not that much..

  2. I feel sorry for you, I don't think your money is coming back. Seems like a scam. Sorry

    But let this be a warning to all you others. Stop using the internet and looking for "bargains". A lot of websites are scams. Only buy from a reputable source such as a Gamestop or Toys R Us, not some little website. If you don't have the money to purchase something full price, then just don't purchase it, or wait until you have the money. Living without a certain gadget won't kill you, it isn't a necessity.

  3. all site offering a ps3 or anyother gadget for very cheap is a scam dont do it never do it.

    tip only order from a site which you know and trust eg: amazon,play usa or others which are trusted

  4. ya go here:

    my website for more info:

  5. Stop looking for deals that are too good to be true. You know what they say if it's too good to be true then it probably is.

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