
Is the public school system in the USA teaching kids that Americans should never give up their gun rights?

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Do they atleast tell them it is an American birth right to own guns to protect freedom from dictators who might try to grab power?




  1. No, they tell them guns are bad and members of the NRA are communist.

    Makes you wonder why this country is heading in a downward spiral.

  2. I am a Liberal Social Studies teacher and a gun owner and I have never said that America should give up their gun rights. We do discuss the topic and I think most of my students come to the conclusion that guns don't kill and people do. I try to teach my students to analyze an issue from both sides and give arguments with more proof than "I heard it from some guy/girl".

  3. When I went through the hunters safety course back in 8th grade health class in the '90s they did. It was a State Police trooper that said it.

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