
Is the pursuit of happiness equal to the pursuit of wealth?

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A cashier or a Owner of a big company.

Which person would you rate higher and why?




  1. Absolutely- NOT!

  2. Simply put: Money doesn't buy happiness, it buys everything else.  The pursuit of money or wealth generally indicates someone who is very status oriented and just can't get enough.  People who pursue happiness know about contentment and what it means to be truly happy: having everything you need and some of what you want.

  3. For some.  For others, it's collecting little, brightly colored bits of sticky paper.  For others, it's ministering to the needs of other people.... or animals... or trees.... For some, it's having a family they can take care of.  For yet others, it's being away from people, and playing video games.  

    What makes people happy varies from person to person.

  4. No. It's equal to chasing a wild goose.

  5. No. Wealth is just superficial-happiness is much deeper.

  6. Happiness comes from within.  If someone were to win a huge lottery it would not change them, it would merely highlight what they already were, be it an a***e, or a Saint.  

    Have you ever felt an old dollar bill?  Happiness feels so much better.

    I'm not overly religious, but my sister is a Roman Catholic Nun....she tells me there is documentation in the bible that says (I'll paraphrase, just in case I mess it up...I just want to give you the spirit of the message, k)  The Lord said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the gates of heaven.  Follow your heart.

  7. wealth is a part of happiness, but not everything.

  8. You all heard that money can not always fulfill ones life with happiness. Unless you are using that money for a love one and have good intensions with it.

  9. If simple security is what makes you feel happy, then, the answer might be maybe.  That is all money is good for really, helping to ensure the security of you and your loved ones.  Though at a certain point, many wealthy people have asked the question: how do I know when I have enough?  Which means they recognize that they are stinking rich, but they can't stop making money now that they've gotten going.  It really is much easier to make money when you already have some.  So they keep going.  After you have enough that you feel the security of you and yours (and by security I mean enough money to pay for exceptional medical procedures if they were to become necessary or enough money to buy your brother out of a Singapore prison cell should he find himself there.) is properly ensured, you need to knwo how to stop, and then you need to know what to spend your money on to make you happy after that.  And don't leave this part to speculation, don't say,"oh I'll worry about that when I get there, or I'll figure it out *** I go along" because without a plan, you wont know when you've arrived, and without some long thought put into that theoretical future, you may arrive and then find that nothing else really interests you and you should have spent that time on other pursuits.  Which brings us to the point.  The only thing you have that is of any value is TIME.  Time is a limited commodity, and a mystery since we never know how much of it we're going to have and hence we don't know what it's worth.  If you knew you were going to die next week would you still go into work Monday morning and do your job as normal?  Living your days as if the next may be your last is a rotten way to go through life, but if you balance it with plans for the future and working toward the security of that future, I think you'll find plenty of happiness.

  10. Happiness is a perceived emotion and wealth is a physical commodity so i believe it would be comparing apples to oranges. Both are a fruitful pursuit just in different venues of human life.

  11. The love of money is the root of all evil....

    One can be happy without wealth,and wealthy without happiness.....

  12. I suppose the answer to that question depends on who you are asking.  For me, the answer is no.  I don't have a lot of money, but am very happy!

  13. Think of happiness as a pleasant drive in the country with your mate.

    Now think of wealth as the fuel in your cars tank.

    Is the pursuit of happiness equal to the pursuit of wealth?

    Technically no.   But if you don't mind the fuel gage, it's gonna be a crappy day.

  14. The pursuit of wealth tends to involve a lot of work... whereas the pursuit of happiness need not be more than reading a book at the beach, or hanging out with your family/friends, or learning to play an instrument or sitting on your butt at home doing nothing. The two ideas are most certainly different, and the best thing is that not only is the pursuit of happiness easier, it's far more rewarding.

  15. Equal in what way?

    Regardless, it's pretty simple: one can not enjoy wealth if they do not have happiness. If you are speaking in terms of the difficulty of their pursuit, happiness is much easier. However, some people seem to think happiness is illusive and difficult to obtain which is the reason why they do not have it.

  16. not for everyone but this tends to be true because money is the means to obtaining everything else

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