
Is the question 'do you have no health insurance ?' correct grammar?

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Is the question 'do you have no health insurance ?' correct grammar?




  1. It is not grammatically incorrect.  However, it would be better to say---"Do you not have any health insurance?" or "Do you have any health insurance?" or "Don't you have any health insurance?"

  2. It would be grammatically correct to say, "Do you have any health insurance?" You cannot 'have' no insurance because you cannot 'have' none of something.

  3. Totally correct grammar.'No', as an adjective, means 'not any', and that is the usage in this case.

    Perhaps one of the best-known usages of this construction came from the Senator McCarthy era, when, before the Senate, Joseph Welch said to McCarthy' "Have you no sense of decency, sir?."

    At any rate, this is perfectly good, grammatically correct English. The amazing part is that so many people seem to think it is improper.

  4. that question is grammatically incorrect. It should read. Do you have any health insurance? or Do you not have health insurance?

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