
Is the "American Dream" finally almost over?

by Guest62342  |  earlier

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It looks like it's on it's last legs. Does this mean the "Global Nightmare" is just around the corner? What does the future hold for our once great and powerful nation, it's economy and way of life. It seems like the small percentage of wealthy folks just get richer while the poor and middle class just get poorer. Everyone is losing their homes, gas & diesel cost more per month than an auto payment & insurance. How long can we go on like this. Where I live in a rural logging community all of the mills are shutting down and so is our biggest employer, the gypsum mine & drywall plant. Everyone is having to move to the city, work offshore or go to Iraq & Afghanistan to work. What the h**l is happening?




  1. No.

    Don't think so.

    Just one have to remember one has only two hands.

    But one can still achieve it with the right knowledge.

    Not with just two hands.

    If the ATM is " Out of service"

    That read "It does not compute"

    But to grab what ever pass by with two hands.

    Then one be in real trouble.

    Slipping and fall into the coffin getting nail back into the coffin as casualty of the dead Mummy in not worshiping God.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  2. Most definetly! I have seen a major transition from a well paying manufacturing economy to one that is service oriented with low paying salaries. Our corporate leadership has decided that it's better to save a buck on benefits and contract out to the middle east all of our higher paying technical positions. Seems like a large corporations are focusing on global expansion to make more money for the small percentage of Officers and investors and are willing to do so at our domestic workforces expense. You are on the spot with your comments regarding the wealthy getting richer and the middle class struggling and the poor getting poorer. The US is in deep sh--. I live paycheck to paycheck and I earn decent money. We need to organize and force our leadership to adopt new technology and alternative energy and transportation. We need to stop making big oil and the rest of the world wealthy while we bleed dry. We need to close the borders and take care of our own instead of paying taxes to support people without skills that come here illegally.

    Everyone needs to team up like the Japanese did after we blasted them and then gave them our technology to rebuild. We need leaders that are going to think out of the box and stop caving in to their lobbyists and powerful business. I could go on, but I am happy to see that I'm not the only one that observes the decline of America as a world leader and land of opportunity. My hope is that others will recognize how upside down and backwards everything has become in the US and addresses issues with strength and perseverance. Things must change!

  3. I'll tell you what.  The peace and prosperity that followed WWII have peaked.  We are now living on the excesses produced in past decades.  

    Meanwhile people all over the world are getting mad.  They are losing patience.  Some want to take over the world.  Some want to destroy.  And some don't want to think about it, so they take it out on their families and neighbors.  

    But within a decade or so, the fighting will get a lot more intense.  We will have some really hard times of grief and deprivation.  But with hard work and determination, we can probably come out in good condition at the end of the War.  Then we will have peace and prosperity, more or less, again.  

    It's a kind of historical cycle.

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