
Is the "Epsom salt" organic? What it supplies to the crops?

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Is the "Epsom salt" organic? What it supplies to the crops?




  1. In terms of organic fertilizer products, if that is what you refer to, Epsom salt is not an organic amendment. It is a purified chemical from chemical sources. I suppose someone has probably put a natural Epsom salt product on the market from one of the natural sources like the original Epsom England mineral waters, but I have never seen one. If you need an organic amendment with magnesium as a quick fix, you will find it in some fish emulsions and seaweed emulsions or sprays but you will have to check on the actual concentrations from the labeling on each to make sure you get what you need. That is probably not going to help much in the situation of a deficiency in something like apple trees (premature apple drop from mg. deficiency) as foliar feed or root feed would require a huge amount of product, hard to use for foliar feed (still debated as to effect and efficiency), and really costly. Any program of fertilizing usually incorporates the use of lime, and using dolomite lime (higher magnesium content) faithfully is a great and inexpensive guarantee. Actually, when you think about it in terms of your fertilizer in the soil solution, it's like keeping your car tuned up; you do it and save a lot of money on fuel. By adjusting your soil pH, your fertilizer becomes available in just the right amounts and balance with respect to all the others. And the micro nutrients work as if they were the fingers of the hand, all together. As to the sulfur content and the needs of plants for that other component, I have never seen sulfur deficiency in a plant, and that would be due to the huge amount of sulfur released into the air from the burning of coal and petroleum products, even in these times of low sulfur products and scrubbed emissions.

  2. Epsom salt is a natural mineral, discovered in the well water of Epsom, England, has been used for hundreds of years, not only to fertilize plants but to treat a range of human and animal ailments.  Chemically, Epsom salts is hydrated magnesium sulfate (about 10 percent magnesium and 13 percent sulfur). Magnesium is critical for seed germination and the production of chlorophyll, fruit, and nuts. Magnesium helps strengthen cell walls and improves plants' uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur.

    Epsom salt is not organic in that it is a mineral and contains no carbon compounds, but it is natural occurring and the magazine Organic Gardening recommends it's use in organic farming.

  3. epsom salt is not organic it is a mineral  with a high percentage of magnesium sulfate which can be used as a fertilizer product  remember just the magnesium alone is only a product some plants need as well as other products like NPK  remember magnesium is nessary for proper seed germination

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