
Is the "Go Green" fad going to stick around???

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I think it's a good idea in theory, but I think it is becoming more of a fad and fashion statement this year. Just like when the hippie era was all about "peace and love" Will our future actually be saved by conserving our planet? Tell me your thoughts

Even if people choose to go green, companies and factories will still produce a lot of waste to make products...Most of the problems have to do with money. Changing the way we do things would be costly for big companies.




  1. People will lose interest as soon as some celebrity airhead cries about something else.  Also once people realize just how much extra costs are involved, their attitude will change.

    I remember in the 60's big fad was ZERO Population Growth.

    Too many people being born, talk was of regulating number of children. Only China adopted that policy and look at the brutality involved.

  2. The higher the gas prices go, the greener I'm gonna get.

  3. Of course. First of all this is the only earth that we have. Second , with the prices of energy and commodities on the rise w/ no end in sight , we will have to stay green. Besides ,we are merely barrowing this earth from our kids and future generations , let them enjoy it too.

  4. God, I hope not.

  5. Nothing is perfect, but if it is easy it will be done... and its easy to recycle, its easy to not waste, so yeah it'll stick around because people know its the least they can do (and usually the only thing they are willing to do) to be a good person and to look good to others.

  6. With the looming 'perfect storm' of climate change; peak oil; population explosion; and food & water shortages, we're just seeing the tip of the iceberg (bad metaphor, as icebergs are melting fast!)

    You sound young (not that there's anything wrong with THAT of course), and even though you might see it as a fad or fashion right now (and in reality that's all it might be for a lot of people). But this is our future if you like it or believe it or not.

    In reality going green (or living much more sustainably) is about as much of a fad as death and taxes.

  7. It would be even more costly for companies if this isn't a fad and they dont' change.   Look at the big three US auto companies.   Used to be the top auto makers in the world.   Now Toyota beats them all.   Large truck sales have fallen by 75% over last year at this time.   Very, very slowly they are beginning to understand they have to change way they work and the products they make if they are going to survive.     Some companies are changing the way they work and saving lots of money.   Others are just too big to change rapidly.

  8. It better stick around or your grandkids will be wearing gas masks and SPF 5,000.  The fact that being green is now 'in' and a fashion statement is ridiculous.  The sycophantic girls who are just following trends wear green paraphernalia, and then go home, take 40 minute showers, leave all the lights on, and do absolutely nothing for the environment.  I am not saying they are all like that (kudos to the ones who practice what you preach), but I highly doubt that the regulars at Victoria's Secret who are buying peace sign and go green shirts ect. really care.  Thankfully though, there are people who are really trying.  Keep it up!

  9. There will be problems. Oil, energy, water and food will become meagre. Especially if all 6 billions will get our standard of living. We should do something.

  10. you bet. as PT Barnum said "there is a sucker born every minute".

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