
Is the "Harry Potter: Books 1-7 Box Set Adult Edition" the exact same as the British version?

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Here is the link, I was wondering whether it is word for word the same as the British version, you know, not the american where they say "bathroom" instead of "toilets" and compare a quaffle to a "soccer ball" rather than a "football"?




  1. I think it is probably just the cover art, and they were only released in the UK to begin with, so it's probably the same, word for word.

  2. The US version is differnt from the rest of the worlds versions because in the US the first book was called the sorcerer stone where as everywhere else it was the philosopher stone. I think there were some other minor changes too but nothing huge.

  3. idk, but if you're buying it from chapters do you live in Canada? because we get the UK versions in canada, so that's what chapters sells.

  4. I would guess it is the British version because of the cover art and because the is no adult edition in the american versions.

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