
Is the "Illuminati" creating a godless, ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT?

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  1. HEY! We're not godless!

    We got a GODDESS!!!!

    Hail Eris, all hail Discordia and pass the golden apple!

  2. I hope so, then Robert Langdon can come save us! (SARCASM)

    the Illuminati, if ever real, are now defunct. please re post in  Literature.

  3. Um, no. But there are authors making a c**p load on money by making such an assertion through fiction.  

  4. Conspiracy theorists such as David Icke, Ryan Burke and Morgan Gricar, have argued that the Bavarian Illuminati survived, possibly to this day. Many of these theories propose that world events are being controlled and manipulated by a secret society calling itself the Illuminati. However, no reliable evidence can be found to support that Weishaupt's group survived into the 19th century.

    (This movement was founded on May 1, 1776, in Ingolstadt (Upper Bavaria), by Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt (d. 1830), who was the first lay professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt. The movement was made up of freethinkers, as an offshoot of the Enlightenment, which some believe was a conspiracy to infiltrate and overthrow the governments of many European states. The group's adherents were given the name "Illuminati", although they called themselves "Perfectibilists". The group has also been called the Illuminati Order and the Bavarian Illuminati, and the movement itself has been referred to as Illuminism (after illuminism). In 1777, Karl Theodor, Elector Palatine, succeeded as ruler of Bavaria. He was a proponent of Enlightened Despotism and in 1784, his government banned all secret societies, including the Illuminati.)

  5. Ask Shirley Maclaine.

  6. Actually, it is a vast conspiracy involving not only the Illuminati but Harry Potter, the Easter Bunny, Tom Cruise, the Tooth Fairy, and all of the midgets from the movie Willow.

    Just because you read it in a spy novel doesn't mean it's true...

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