
Is the "bob" still a popular hairstyle?

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Is the "bob" still a popular hairstyle?




  1. I don't think so.

  2. Yea at my school it defenetly is.

    The Rhianna/Beckham bob that is.

  3. i think that the bob is a popular hairstyle for adults and kids but i don't see too much teenagers with that kind of hairstyle, so really it depends on your age

  4. yeah! i think its adorable. my friend recently got her hair cut like it and it looks awesome (shes 18 btw) so yes its still in style for teens. heck, id try a bob if i didnt have curly hair!! it looks best though if you have either side bangs or a fringe

  5. I think bobs are always there no matter if it is in or not

    bobs usually look nice one almost anyone

    It was so in the past few months, but still i see it on people

    If you are considering a bob try a longer one since all people who i know had it have it in a longer way

    but its up to you

    I also think you should wait for winter and see other hairstyles that will pop


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