
Is the "character assasination" by the media on Palin and her family fair and balanced?

by Guest11054  |  earlier

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Is the "character assasination" by the media on Palin and her family fair and balanced?




  1. Yes, its fair.. She running for a high offfice and she has no privacy,

    such as they never gave any to Clinton or Edwards. She a proclaim

    christian and believe in family values but yet the whole family been

    sinning. This tells me what type of VP we may be getting!

  2. No.

    1. Leave the kids alone. It is frankly criminal to subject a pregnant child to such malignant talk.

    Her courage to go through with the pregnancy is admirable. It would not be my choice. If it was my daughter I would hope she would not make that choice. But I frankly admire that she stood by her convictions and her choice must be respected. And particularly because of her youth she should be protected by decent adults.

    2. whether or not ones daughter is pregnant has nothing to do with ones quality as a person or a politician

    McCain chose Sarah Palin because she is living

    the life of an intelligent, educated ,christian conservative, who also has the courage to stand up to corruption and  challenge the government of her state to do better.

  3. Nonsense. The media is doing what McCain should have done all along...go up to Alaska and investigate her. Its pretty obvious by now that McCain's campaign did not do this. He only has himself to blame

  4. Of course not, but what they don't realize is that it's energizing the republican party, it's creating outrage everywhere and giving the MSM a black eye, not Palin or her family and it clearly demonstrates what so many people have attempted to deny and that is the fact that the majority of the MSM is indeed biased and one-sided.  I'm lovin' every second of it.  

    Look at the people here on Y!A with their fangs out.  They're the ones who are completely incapable of discussing issues and are nothing short of being attack dogs with the average IQ of a toad.

  5. I think its quite funny that liberals are making a big deal out of a pregnant 17 year shows they are desparate to try and bring her down.  

  6. Well, most of what's reported has proven to be accurate.  So how is it character assassination?

    Did she lie about the bridge to nowhere? Yes

    Is her daughter pregnant? Yes

    Did she behave unusually during the birth of her 5th child? Yes

    Is her family tied to some questionable local groups? Yes

    Just because its unflattering, doesn't make is wrong to report it.  Bet you had no problem with the 5,000 Rev Wright stories, did you?

  7. Just compare it to Biden. The media has viciously attacked Palin since her announcement and virtually said nothing on Biden. That is what they call fair and balanced. They choose to ignore Biden, simple fact. Thumbs down for pointing out the facts!

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