
Is the quote 'people never change' really acurate?

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do you truely honestly believe or disbelieve that people never change?

i dont necessarily think they dont, but when they try they get brought down by disbelievers, and usually dont accomplish.

can you name anyone who has fully changed, whether its a bad habit (i.e. smoking) or the way they act, or if they've cheated

do peple really change.. or is it

"once a (any word goes here), always a (same word goes here)" ?




  1. Well, i mean.. i guess the person inside doesn't change ( unless were talking about a poser or something ) but on the outside, people change big time.

  2. No, the quote is certainly not accurate for everyone -- a lot of people have some experience that leads them to change something fundamental about themselves.  There are people who were "cheaters" on girlfriends and boyfriends when young but who would never cheat on a wife or husband, and there are plenty of people who experience something (whether good, like falling in love, or bad, like the death of a friend or family member) that makes them view the world in such a different way that they truly change inside and out.  There are also people who gain or lose confidence in themselves as they grow up and then approach people and problems differently as a result.  

    Of course, there are also a lot of people who never change, but it would be a sad world if it were true that people could not really change.

  3. "People never change" is a generalization, and it is a fatal mistake to try to go from the general to the particular.  

    When persons change suddenly and dramatically, often as the result of a religious experience, a typical reaction is to say something like: "He was like that all along.  He just kept it hidden."  

    A great many people have quit smoking and never taken it up again.  A great many more have failed to do so.

    Yes, people change.

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