
Is the "going green" movement a total fraud?

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I saw an ad in the paper today for a new hybrid SUV, the Chevy Tahoe. They were touting how clean and green this vehicle is, yet for $55k you only get 22mpg city and 24mpg highway! Isn't this just a scam to get people to pay nearly twice for a vehicle that might get you 5 more mpg than a non hybrid suv? I also saw advertisements lately for a "Green" hotel. They claim to recycle everything possible, charge you extra if you leave garbage behind, and you can't get new towels or sheets unless you stay for more than 5 days in a row because that washing uses up a lot of water. Of course, you can have all this luxury for only twice the price of a BETTER hotel! It just seems like going green has become like disco was back in the 70s. It's a fad that companies are looking to exploit and make some $$$ from and people are falling for it. I refuse to have anything to do with this pathetic charade.




  1. The Tahoe hybrid is wasted technology. Is does have improved gas mileage, but the improvement doesn't really make that big of a difference. The tahoe hybrid also starts out at like $50, because of the standard features. This does seem liake a way to make extra money off the "going green" movement.

  2. Alicia, your immediate response is assuringly accurate.  However, as the saying goes "Let the buyer beware".  It IS a farce that companies are touting these electric vehicles, that get x number of miles per gallon because: guess what is producing the electricity to recharge these electric cars  - yes, coal, oil, 'Nucular' (As Dumb-s**t Bush would pronounce it).  There is no balance.  However, the companies producing Fuel Cell technology are right on track.  High efficiency with close to zero emissions - that's where they should be going.  Secondly, yes - hotels that play the nutshell games with housekeeping services should be black marked.  I can see using a towel 2 days in a row but not if you are sun tanning with it.  

    Don't completely close the door on the root effort - being kinder to the Earth.  Recycle when you can, Do larger loads of laundry, weather-proof your home, keep your car tires at their maximum rated pressure (yes the vehicle will ride harder but you'll save a couple miles per gallon and notice quicker acceleration).  Keep the faith but maintain the strength to say what the fock to the ones, that deserve to be shot, for pulling our leg,

  3. Going green isn't a fraud, it is the American auto industry that is the fraud.  They are just using our need to be more green as a marketing point.  This doesn't mean that Green is a fraud, just that sales people will pretty much use anything to sell you something.

  4. going green movement is the banking for al gore and his insane followers. the earth is not warming. it has not warmed at all since 1998, which was when the strongest el nino in recorded history was in effect. the planet has been cooling ever since. the going green movement is a fraud. it is just a way for the car companies and al gore, and the democrats to make big bucks.

  5. Auto companies are turning a serious global crisis into a means of making money. They can improve car efficiency slightly and charge more money.

  6. These two examples are, in my eyes, a bastardization of the green movement.  But just because some companies are taking advantage of going green for the wrong reason doesn't mean others aren't going green for the right reasons.


  8. NO

  9. The idea is good, but if the Gov  lets the power and oil company's in we are just going to get the same old  game they have been playing since the GAS SHORTAGE in the 70's we got all kinds of promises from the politicians.  Health and prosperity.  Well they got all that.  At least the rivers don't catch fire anymore.  And they are getting better at covering up things like LOVE CANAL.  We need to stop the Importing of NUCLEAR Waste from Italy and other country's.

    If the Government was serious about green they would make GM and GOODYEAR Put the Mass transit systems back the way they were after world war two when almost every small town had trolly or lightrail systems.  But that doesn't sell cars and tires does it.

      It' kinda like the organic you take the lowest protien feed and feed it to stock then sell the meat as organic, or feed it to dairy cows, the feed is so poor the old cow can't produce a 3.2 percent butterfat.  It's full of insects and weeds.

  10. i really hope you're not serious. going green is about changing your impact on how much waste our species creates. you don't need a massive [and not very green, might i add] tahoe or a billion dollar hotel to tell you that. ALSO, YOU DO NOT NEED BIODEGRADABLE $300 MOCCASINS. use your brain. convert your diesel to run off veggie oil. never pay for GROSS gas again. duh. little changes are simple. it's all in our horrible routine//wasteful habits. p.s. LABIOCARS.COM [if you're tired of paying for nasty gas.]

  11. Yes, going green is a total fraud---the whole environmental movement is based on fraudulent science.....We need to drill for oil.....Democrats have caused high oil prices since they took office in 2006.....dems are a total fraud too--they have continually stood in America's way for energy independence.....we are dependent upon foreign oil because of democrats in congress.....

  12. Anywhere money can be made some companies will exploit the opportunity.  Eventually oil will run out so we need to look for alternatives.  We cannot keep poisoning our planet and not expect troubles.  Our water is no longer fit to drink.  Our bodies are becoming bloated with toxins and diseases wreaking havoc

    on all generations including our young children.  Let's think for ourselves.  Read.  We cannot make an informed decision from a 30 second news report, or the opinion of a noted talk show host.   Do your due diligence.

  13. It's an awful truth that marketing is everywhere. I think people today have to be hyper-vigilant and not take everything from the media at face value, do some real research themselves and think, think think! And speaking of the seventies, there was a real push for energy conservation then and it became trendy- but then we all just forgot about it when the economy got better. That's all it took to make Americans forget about the earth, a little extra change in our pockets.

  14. Global warming and the greenhouse gas BS is a fraud.

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