
Is the "philosophy" section merely a smarter version of "polls and surveys"?

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Is the "philosophy" section merely a smarter version of "polls and surveys"?




  1. I think every section is a smarter version of polls and surveys

    come on man.

  2. Depends on what you consider "smarter."

  3. No.  They are unrelated.

    Although Karl Popper does discuss the scientific methods of statistics in his "Logic of Scientific Discovery", polls and surveys, which are nothing more than statistics and the clever disguise of politically motivated questions, are very unphilosophical and unscientific by their very nature.

  4. not quite. its another section altogether, inspiring thoughts.

  5. No,and it shouldnt ever be.

    It should be critical,above all else(i mean popper-ian type criticism,where the writer tries hard TO GO BEYOND HIS/HER TEACHING/TEACHERS).

  6. don't think so. wisdom is everywhere.

  7. If you want philosophical answers, then, yeah.

  8. To put in polls and surveys, or to put it in philosophy, that is the question.

  9. One likes to think the people who love to think, think better than those who just love to give opinions.

    But I'm not sure I'd bet any money on that. ;-)

    Alas, loving to think doesn't mean you do it well.

  10. well the "polls and surveys" are not open-ended questions, it one or the other (vanilla or chocolate, cat or dog). "Philosophy" on the other hand can be any answer. just because they are both usually the opinion of the answerer does not mean that they are the same thing.

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